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⚠️ tw: violence

*two weeks later*


"Merlin it's cold," she breathed, pulling the sleeves of my jacket further down her arms and over her hands.

I chuckled lightly. "It's winter, love."

"Fuck winter," she breathed, covering her hands with her hands, breathing warmth against them.

Smiling, I shook my head as I pulled another drag of my cigarette.

"Here," I said, holding the cigarette near her lips. "Take a drag. It'll warm you up."

At first she looked up at me hesitantly, but after a couple off seconds she placed it between her lips, and gently took a drag. Unfortunately her lungs couldn't hold it. She started coughing, and pulled away from the cigarette.

"Fuck," she coughed.

I smiled. "It's not that bad, love. It gets better."

She was still coughing, making me grin.

"Want another one?"

"No," she said, raising her hand, pushing away mine.

She pulled tighter my jacket, looking around the place, before checking the watch around her wrist.

"Okay, Mattheo. I have to go. I promised Pansy I'd help her with her Astronomy homework. I'll see you at dinner, okay?"

I smiled, planting a kiss on her lips, before she walked away. I watched her as she walked up the stairs, and groaned as Theo and Draco walked down them. They didn't even hesitate to walk to me, both lighting cigarettes.

"You're fucked up," Theo harmlessly bit after taking a drag. "You really are, you know that."

"Mhm." The hum was loud enough for them to hear.

"How's Thomas?" Draco asked, and then it hit me: they clearly didn't fucking know.

"Why do you care?"

He gave a single, shallow laugh, before taking another drag of his cigarette. "Curious, that's all."

I rolled my eyes, dropped my cigarette to the ground, and stomped on it. "None of your business, Malfoy."

I pulled out another, lighting it up,and taking a drag.

"How did you do it?"

I looked at Theo, frowning. "What?"

"Chanhe her mind. How did you do it?"

I shrugged. "I didn't do shit. She changed her own mind."

"And you had no part in it?"

I scoffed. "Man, really. She changed her  mind; or she didn't have a different opinion anyways. I don't know. Just leave it, alright?"

"Fine," he said, killing his bud against the wall, before flicking it into the fields. "But if you hurt her again, I won't be as gentle as before."

He shoved passed me, but I didn't react. I promised Zoe I'd be "good", whatever the fuck that ment.



"First game of the term," she cheered as we stepped inside the locker rooms. "Oh this is ganna be fun. The Ravens won't last."

"They got a terrible Seeker," Draco teased from across the locker rows.

I rolled my eyes, before looking down at her. "Ganna watch me?"

"Ganna play?" she teased.

Smiling, I pushed a bag into my locker, before looking back down at her. "What about afterwards we go to Hogsmeade for a drink?"

She giggled. "Sure. Good luck."

Her lips planted a kiss on my cheek, before walking off, giving Pansy luck, before vanishing to the bleachers. It made me smile.


The game went on a lot longer than we all thought. Ravenclaw had game that day, and to our surprise, they were fucking busy.

Yet by the end of it all- we fucking lost.

It drove me mad- fucking furious. And the fact that no one else looked as mad as I was- pissed me the fuck off.

The field crowded with Ravenclaws, but I didn't have the patience. I shoved my way through them, before eventually gasping my way into the Slytherin locker rooms.

The rest of the team was there, and I know they realized my fury. No one said a word. Everyone stayed silent. And to my surprise- even Theo.

My broom got shoved back into my locker, after I plucked out my bag and yanked it over my shoulder.

I made my way straight out of the locker room, and once I stepped outside, I heard chatter start again inside.


My eyes moved down to the sad-yet smiling face of Zoe as she looked up at me.

"Ready to go? Want to go take a shower first."

Going back to the castle is quite the last thing I'd want to do. So I shook my head.

"Let's just go to Hogsmeade, please."

Smiling, she nodded, before setting me a bit to ease by slipping her hand into mine.

"You played well."

I played fuckine well? Fuck no. If I played well, we wouldn't have fucking lost.

"Amusing, Zoe."

She sighed. "You'll win the next-"

"Fuck the next one," I unintentionally snapped, pulling my hand from hers, causing the fury to return to me. "We lost this one. We had to fucking win this one."

Her voice was a whisper as she said my name while placing her hand on my upper-arm. Yet, I pushed her arm off of me, making her step back.

"Mattheo. Please don't-"

"Why are you even so fucking calm?" I snapped, making her sigh. Yet it was clear that she wasn't going to answer me. "We lost, Zoe. We fucking lost, and you want me to stay calm?!"

My voice had risen, and I knew it. Yet she was so calm, and it wasn't right.

"Maybe if we sit down for a-"

"Fuck Zoe!" I yelled, shoving ber arm off of me again. "Can't you tell I'm upset?!"


"Fuck off," I yelled, before suddenly seeing her stumbling against the bricked wall of the bridge.

I froze.

Then I watched as her hand flew to the side of her face, as she stood frozen, looking at me blankly.

"Oh Merlin," I heard myself whisper.

I hit her...

[966 words]

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