Chapter 4

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I turned around seeing exactly who I thought it was. "Are you crazy?" I exclaimed.

"It's not crazy to wanna kiss a pretty girl." Axel said and I roled my eyes.

"What do you want from me Axel? Honestly." I sighed.

"I already told you, I dont want sex; yet." he wiggled his eyebrows at me and I roled my eyes again.

"I really don't understand what all the girls go crazy about you for, you're just a normal, horny teenage boy trying to get in everyone's pants." I crossed my arms over my chest and he just laughed at me.

He took a step closer to me and said "Oh please honey, you'd be all over me in a second if your brother didn't have anything against me the way he and all his friends do." he said in a loud enough voice that I could just hear him.

"I bet you would be all over me in a second if my brother didn't hate you for being the idiotic asshole you are." I said.

"Yeah, probably. I'm sure you're great in bed." he winked.

"God." I gave a sarcastic laugh. "You really are a pig Axel Grey!" i said uncrossing my arms and putting them on my hips.

"Well can you blame me." he looked me up and down and licked his lips.

"Trust me, you don't wanna be doin that here. Especially with my brothers friends everywhere. You better pray to god Mason doesnt see us together, he would flip!" I warned him.

"Yeah, I know." he shrugged. "If I can beat the guy in a race, I'm betting I can beat him at anything else." he smirked.

"Now I know why you want to hang out with me tonight, you just want to piss off my brother." I said and he shook his head.

"If I wanted to piss your brother off I would be doing something more extreme to really get him going, like sleeping with you or getting you into drugs. I hear they got some pretty good heroin goin around lately."

"You just keep surprising me, when I think you couldn't get any more arrogant and idiotic you just keep going." I shook my head and have a sarcastic laugh.

"Relax, I'm just joking with you." he smirked.

"Okay, well, you got me now decide what you want to do before I change my mind." I said.

"I wanna take you somewhere." he said.

"Where exactly?" I asked hesitantly.

"I'm not going to tell you, it'll ruin the surprise." he said grinning, showing his white teeth.

"Alright lets go. I have to be back by ten thirty though, I'm supposed to hang out with my friend." I said and grabbed my phone from the back pocket of my shorts.

"This way." he said and led me to his car.

I sent a quick text to Casey saying I was going to hang out with someone for a little while and that I would be back by 10:30.

He unlocked his car and opened the door and I got in. The ride there was quiet, besides the radio going.

"So tell me about yourself." he said looking at me and back at the road again.

"Well what do you want to know." I asked.

"Things you love, hobbies, passions, anything." he shrugged.

"Well, I love reading and going to the beach. There's this one spot that I would always go to when I lived here, it was so mellow. The sand was soft and clean with no junk or garbage, and a big pit there from people building huge fires. I always wanted to go there with a whole bunch of people, but I never had time, I was out of this place within a month or two." I said and he nodded.

"That's sounds pretty cool." he agreed.

"And as for hobbies and passions, I play baseball and I song write and sing and play the guitar." I admitted, I only tell Casey and Mason about my songwriting. I don't even know why I told him.

"Sounds cool, you should show me sometime." he told me.

"Show you what?" I asked confused.

"The beach and your music." he said and I shook my head. "Why not?"

"I have stage fright, I don't like preforming in front of anyone! Not even my parents, just Casey and Mason."

"Well then I'll sing with you so you aren't under the spot light." he offered.

"You sing?" I asked, amazed.

"Yeah, my mom was a singer, I kind of just started singing one day." he said and I nodded.

"So are we almost there or..." I trailed off.

"Yeah, its just up here." he said and pulled over to the side of the road.

He started getting out of the car and stopped when he noticed I wasn't getting out.

"Are you going to get out of the car?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"And go in there? I don't think so, you could be a murderer, luring me into the forest to kill me." I exclaimed.

He just rolled his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous! I don't have my gun with me tonight." he smirked.

I got out of the car and followed him. I was tripping on sticks and rocks and I was getting bitten by mosquitos. I swatted at them but kept walking.

"So why are we walking through the woods in the dark?" I asked frustrated.

"You'll see." he said walking ahead of me.

I groaned and walked some more. Call me childish, but I was actually a little bit scared. I just felt like someone was going to pop out and chop my head off with an axe or something.

"Here." he grabbed my hand and helped me over a big log and out of the trees. I have to admit, when he grabbed my hand I felt butterflies in my stomach.

We emerged into this giant space, surrounded by thick forest. It was a starry night out tonight, it was beautiful.

"What is this place?" I asked star struck.

"I don't know." he said with his hands in his pockets.

"How did you find it?" I asked him.

"Me and my friends were just walking about one night and we came across this, I never forgot about it. I've came here tons of times, just to think or clear my head. I'm not sure if the other guys have come here again though."

Wow, he definitely has a soft side, I like that.

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