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It was 11 o clock in the night when Yibo reached LILY'S

"good evening Mr Sheng" said Yibo as he walked in

"Oh Yibo your back nice to see you, how did your business deal go, Zhan told me about it" said Mr Sheng

"oh it went well, we closed it successfully"

"that's good to hear congratulations and good luck always"

"thank you. Mr Sheng please may I know where Zhan is as far as I remember it's his working hour" asked Yibo

"oh I gave him a few days off as it was his birthday yesterday "

"OK I see, so he's at home"

"yes and I'm sure becuz his used to not sleeping at night he must be up right now with a chocolate bar in one hand and his phone in the other" Mr Sheng said and gave a little laugh

"oh really" said Yibo

"oh yeah there is this app Lusi recommend him he told me about it and how additive the thing is but I can't quite remember the name, something like wat cruss, wats play,....."

"wattpad" helped Yibo

"yeah that's it you use it too, he said there are some pretty nice stories there"

" I do know about it but I don't use I've never been interested. Anyways thanks for the info I'll go see him now, bye Mr Sheng"

"bye Yibo see you soon"

"Hmm" with that said Yibo left from there and went directly to Zhans place.

He had a weird feeling when he was arriving near the house. Yesterday was Zhans birthday and if he was to transform then that would have been last night, but he did not so Yibo was going to check on him not knowing what lies ahead.
He parked his bike and went straight to the door and as soon as he stepped his foot inside the house a strong force sent him flying outside the door and he landed on his back with a thud and he chocked blood.

"the moment we've all been waiting for" said a voice and Yibo turned around to look in that direction.


I turned around to find He Peng standing beside me.
"what are you doing here" I asked feelings my anger rise

"to witness his transformation ain't you here for thesame?"

I was shocked inside but I never let it show I did have a hunch that might be it was this year but it wasn't clear and plus he transform yesterday? I was here I saw he didn't

"oh right, my bad you didn't know. You see the last thing your aunt said before she went was that in 600yrs your dearest Wei will transform but you didn't hear, and also when I told you to come and let me tell you, your pride held you back. Now look at you, just this small force and your already flying out. I can't wait to see what he does to you when he fully transforms and releases he full energy on you "
He said to me

" ugly bastard you can't do anything "

" oh I can do things but I won't he will. He's bound to kill you and when your gone I'll go back to my old self and continue what I started and finally be happy " he was saying that with that disgusting smirk on his face that I just wanted to punched him

 He's bound to kill you and when your gone I'll go back to my old self and continue what I started and finally be happy " he was saying that with that disgusting smirk on his face that I just wanted to punched him

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" you'll never be happy " I said my voice full of disgust for him

" no I won't, not when your still alive but when you follow that bithch sister of mine then I will be"
I was pissed enough and so I started to approach him with an atreck but he dissappear "COWARD IF YOU THINK YOUR REALLY A BEAST COME OUT AND FIGHT ME"

"oh I will but not today, bye go check on your dearest friend " he said and left from there.

I went to the door and released some energy before going in. I went straight to Zhans room trying to cover my ears cuz he started screaming immediately when I walked in and that scream could kill people I wonder how the things in the house are not falling.

There was green light everywhere and I guess it's his power color mixed with that of the amulete I gave him

There was green light everywhere and I guess it's his power color mixed with that of the amulete I gave him

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And from the sound of things the amulete is doing a great job in calming him down

I just finished the stairs when everything went normal and I then materialize myself in his room he was already falling down when I caught him "Zhan, Zhan are you OK, can you hear me" I asked while holding his face with my one hand as the other supported his body

"Yibo, Yibo your here. What happened I'm felling very weak" he said in a very faint voice

"Zhan you'll be fine don't worry"

"But I don't fell good at all. Yibo if am dying I want to......"
"your not dying Zhan dear your only transforming"

"trans...... What....???" he said before he collapsed in my arms, I gently put him on the bed. When he waskes up all the memories of his real life will return and he'll wake up with one main aim, that is to kill me so I better not be here cuz if I'm the first one he sees immediately he wakes then I'll die immediately.

I cover him with a warm blanket and turned to leave when I noticed his phone and an unfinished chocolate bar on the floor I picked the chocolate and place it in the bin while I took his phone to put it on his bedside table the screen of his phone lit up and Mr Sheng was right he really was on wattpad while eating chocolate. I shook my head "your really something Xiao Zhan" I kissed his forehead and whispered I love you then I left from there.

HE'S MY HUNTER (YIZHAN FF) Where stories live. Discover now