𝟕| 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐯. 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲

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As I walked through the hallway of my school, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety in my stomach. Today was the day I had dreaded for weeks, the day of our history presentation. I wasn't sure if I was prepared enough, despite spending countless hours researching and studying.

As I reached our classroom, I saw them already gathered around our usual table. Dong, with his glasses perched on his nose, was frantically sorting through his notes.

Eros, with his trademark messy hair, had his laptop open in front of him, typing away. And Joss, with her bright smile, was flipping through flashcards.

"Hey guys, nervous for the presentation?" I asked as I joined them.

Dong looked up from his notes, his glasses sliding down slightly, "Of course! We have to ace this!"

Eros nodded in agreement, "Yeah, but I think we have a strong team. We've been working on this project for weeks now."

Joss grinned, "Plus, we have Anthea here. She's our secret weapon."

I blushed at her words, feeling a rush of confidence. "Thanks, guys. But I'm still a little worried. What if we forget something important?"

"Don't worry, we've got your back," Dong reassured me, tapping his notes.

As we waited for our turn to present, we went over our slides one more time. Eros clicked through the slides while Joss and Dong added in some last-minute facts. I couldn't help but feel grateful for their support and teamwork. We made a great team, each of us bringing something unique to the table.

Finally, it was our turn to present. My heart was beating fast as I walked to the front of the classroom. But as I began speaking, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. Dong, Eros, and Joss chimed in with their own parts seamlessly, and before I knew it, we were done.

As we made our way back, the bell rings, until I felt a sudden and forceful grab on my butt.

I froze in shock and turned around, only to see perv. Harry smirking at me. I felt a wave of anger and disgust wash over me as I realized what had just happened. But before I could even say anything, my friends who were walking a few steps ahead of me, noticed and immediately turned back to face the professor.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Eros yelled, his fists clenched tight in anger.

Professor Harry laughed it off, "Just appreciating a beautiful woman."

"That's not appreciation, that's sexual harassment," Dong, chimed in, his jaw tense with anger.

Suddenly, all the years of hearing about men disrespecting and objectifying women came rushing to my mind and I felt a surge of courage and determination. I stepped forward and looked Professor Harry straight in the eye.

"That is unacceptable behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself," I said firmly.

But he just chuckled and replied, "Oh please, it was just a harmless grab."

Before I could respond, my friends stepped in between us and started shouting at him, each one more furious than the other. I could see the anger in their eyes and I knew they would not let him get away with this.

I watched in horror as they surrounded perv. Harry, their fists flying and their words full of rage. "You think you can get away with this? You sick bastard!" Joss shouted as he landed a punch to the professor's stomach.

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