Tonks Talk Part 1 A Stroll With Meg and Miss Tilly

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Welcome back to another episode of Tonks Talk. Today the ladies will sit down with Miss Tilly and Meg. Lately, Tilly has found herself the subject of TikTok videos, but I'll let you learn about that in the interview.


Nymphadora Arwen Tonks

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Nymphadora Arwen Tonks

Tonks. Hello everyone, and welcome back for another episode of Tonks Talk. Joining me as always is my lovely sister Mina. Happy Friday, sis. How are you?

Mina. Absolutely fabulous and thrilled to be here. I can't wait to talk with our guests.

Tonks. Then let's get started. Joining us today on the program are none other than daddy's shadows. Matilda and Meg. Ladies, welcome to the program. I trust the snacks and drinks are sufficient.

Matilda. They are delicious, and thanks for having us.

Meg. Yes, thank you so much, and thanks for the wonderful snacks.

 Yes, thank you so much, and thanks for the wonderful snacks

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Mina. Matilda, Would you mind if we called you Tilly?

Tilly. (Smiles warmly) Not at all. In fact, that's What Mommy and Daddy always call me, and I love the sound of it.

Mina. Mommy and daddy take their time when assigning nicknames and use them endearingly.

(From the back of the studio, Obi's voice can be heard as he hollers back at Mina.)

Obi. I wouldn't say they always take a lot of time. It seems like Mommy came up with Little S#!+ for Tonks pretty fast, and I think it only took a couple of days before daddy called you Mina the Menace.

(Just before Tonks replies, daddy cuts in.)

Daddy. Ok, back on topic. We will worry about the rest later. First, finish the interview, then then we'll talk.

(Tonks and Mina look at Obi with a grin as if they can't wait to give him a thrashing after the show.)

Mina. (Turns back towards Tilly as if nothing happened.) Tilly, Why don't we start with you. Why don't you tell us about yourself?

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