New friend (pt1)

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Hey guys just a tw there will be EDs in this story.

3 person pov:

It's Christmas break and Simon felt so stupid for not saying love you back.He's been wanting to text Willy for 3 hours but been way to scared to. He locked himself in his room for the past couple of hours.

"Dinner is ready." His mom,Linda called out to Simon.

Simon couldn't get up it took to much muscle too so Simon just layed there  going thru Instagram more to be exact Willys Instagram page.

Linda come in Simons room and had a plate of food for him. "Hey sweetheart I know you're going thru a hard time so here is your food. But a friend and his son is coming over for dinner tomorrow I'm not going to make you come out but is it ok if his son Hung out with you?"
Simon just nodded his head.

He really did not want to but for his mom he would. Simon did not eat that much because he did not feel like eating.

Simon layed down and tried to fall asleep but he can't. He keeps thinking about what he said to Willy. God why is he stupid.

After a few hours he fell asleep.

In the morning.

Simon woke up at 7:30am feeling even worse then the other day. Linda took a plate of food to his room. "Ok my friends will be her in 3 hours." She said. "Ok but I thought that they are just coming over for dinner?" Simon said not wanting to talk to people. "Yea but they are going to hang out for awhile if that's ok." "Ok."

Linda left the room and Simon still didn't eat anything.Simon just got up to get changed because all he had on was boxers.

After he put on his hoodie and sweats he layed back down.

*skip to when they get to Simons house*

"Hey guy welcome in. Simon is in his room so Gabe you can go in there just please be nice he is going thru a lot right now." "Ok thank you for inviting us bye." Gabe said going to Simons bedroom.

Gabe knocked on his door. "Come in" Simon said. Gabe come in to his room.

"Hi your name is Simon right?"
"Yea what's your name?" Simon said trying to be nice.
"My name is Gabe." "Well nice to meet you Gabe."Simon said while he's still on his phone.
"What are you doing?" Gabe asked Simon.
"Nothing really just on Instagram." "What is your username so I could add you."
"It's Simon_<3w" Simon said and the w meant Willy. "Ok I added you but why do you have a picture of the prince on it?" "Because I-I was dating him but please don't tell people he's not out and w-we broke up." Simon said trying to not cry.
"Oh I'm so sorry. But if you need to cry and talk to someone I'm here." Gabe said.

Simon started to sob into Gabe's shoulders.
"Hey hey it's ok talk to me."
"O-ok well we we got into a-a stupid fight so I told him he had to figure it out by himself. The-then right when school got out for ch-Christmas break he hugged me and said I love you to me and m-my stupid ass self s-said have a good Christmas."Simon said still crying.
"Hey your not stupid but have you tried texting him?"
"No im t-to scared to t-text him." "Well let me help you talk to him."
"H-how?" "Well give me your phone." "Ok do you want me to pull up his number?"
"Yes" "ok here" "SIMON" "what??"
"He texted you before I could."

"What did he say?" Gabe asked.
"H-he said he wanted to talk."
"Ok ask him when and where."

Text massage:

"Yea when and where?"

"Well before Christmas Eve but it doesn't matter to me."

"Ok what about tomorrow 2pm"

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