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Violet didn't know where she was, the place she landed in felt so cold

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Violet didn't know where she was, the place she landed in felt so cold. It held such a darkness making her anxious as she struggled to walk.

She felt a sting on her flesh the more she tried to find any sign of life. She could hear the distant sounds of screeching.

It was so loud making her hunch over and hold her hands over her ears. "Violet" the voice was so deep, yet apart of her knew it so well.

She didn't wanna look up, part of her thought perhaps she was dead, and this was her punishment for helping Peter.

She let out a shaky breath looking up, at the man she once loved. His entire flesh gone and so unrecognizable, he smiled down at her.

It was a sickening feeling the way he looked at her, it felt so darker. Like he knew he'd prepare her for far worse then there original plan.

"Do not be afraid, it's me" he let himself change into himself, she let out a breath as she stood up. "What is this place? I don't understand".

He grabbed hold of her hand the coldness of it making her grow tense. "Eleven sent me here, I thought I was in purgatory when I first arrived.. but this place, it's far much better".

Violet looked around at the creatures that all began slowly walking towards her. The screeches from before escaping them harshly.

"They won't hurt you, I will not allow them to ever harm you Violet". She looked at Peter his entire form back to the beast she saw before.

"What did she do to you" her hand touched his cheek, it felt so rough and different. "She made me stronger, and with time we'll both be stronger".

She smiled at him "I missed you, I was so scared you were gone. I thought I'd never see you again". He smiled at her as he began walking "where are you going?".

He turned slightly looking at her "we're going home, everything's falling into place Violet. I hope you're ready for what's to come".

"I'll always be ready, who do we need to kill?". He smirked brightly "everyone".

Violet opened her eyes, the motel mattress underneath her making her body ache as she sat up. She rubbed at her eyes tiredly as she looked outside the window, it was almost night time.

"You talk a lot in your sleep" she turned number three sitting weakly on a chair. She sighed at him standing up from the bed.

"You act like you don't too" he rolled his eyes throwing a knife at the wall with his powers. The trial of blood escaped his nostril.

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