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What the fuck is this?!" I demanded when I flung the latest issue of The Daily Prophet across the conference table at the next staff meeting I attended. "Who does this self righteous bitch thinks she is coming into our school and poking her nose into the inner workings of Hogwarts?!"

Flitwick squeaked, "There is no need for language Sebastian. None of us are thrilled with this, but our hands are tied in this matter."

McGonagoll cleared her throat, "As much as I find your treatment of the students to be a bit...strict, Professor Prince, I quite agree with you on this. Albus, can we not do something about this bitch?"

Dumbledore sighed, and said, "What was it your father said about letting things unfold, Professor Prince? I suggest that we lie in wait to see what the Ministry of Magic has in store for us next."

I scoffed, "Do nothing. That is your wise council. Need I remind you all that Fudge would like nothing more than to prove that you're a possible quack?"

"Careful, Prince," Dumbledore warned, his voice going cool. "I like you, and you're just as valuable to me as your father is, but I could let it slip that sneak out to visit your student wife, and--"

"Ooo, I'm really scared," I challenged, "Oh no, the Headmaster of Hogwarts is going to use a dark wizard's wand on me, and all because he thinks I'm an arrogant asshole. Keep it up, Albus. I can make your precious lions life in my classes a living hell."

"And need I remind you that I am your boss, boy?" Dumbledore growled.

I smiled coldly, which made all of the teacher's flinch from the hate coming off of me in waves. "Oh, I'm sure you could fire me for a time, but Lucius Malfoy is my godfather, and as I recall, he has a governing position in the Ministry of Magic, but I will tell him of our little chat, and he would love to either replace you with himself or my father as Headmaster of Hogwarts. Now, I have a job to do, unlike you people."

I turned on my heel, and left the conference room. I did my classes for the day, and noticed the first edict from the pink toad: All school clubs and teams are hereby disbanded. I saw her telling off a boy for wearing sagging trouser pants.

I flicked my wand, and the boy's pants belted itself to his waist, but his underwear was officially halfway in his ass. "Thank you, Professor Snape--oh, sorry, you do look quite like your father," Umbridge greeted me, and noticed my wedding band. "I'm sure it's an easy mistake to make in your case."

I shrugged, not really caring, "Yeah, I get that a lot. May I ask the source as to why the Ministry feels the need to inquire into every aspect of the running of Hogwarts?"

A venomous smile spread across her toad-like face, "Why to quell this nonsense of You Know Who back at large. Honestly, there are other evil wizards to occupy the auror office's time, I can assure you."

"I'm just here to substitute for my father until he gets back from his holiday in the U.S," I lied smoothly. "I trust the Ministry has no issue with the way I run my classes."

Again, that smile, "Oh, heaven's forbid, no. I find your strictness refreshing, in all honesty. More teachers here should follow your example. You aren't on my hot list, dear."

"Thanks for that," I said, "Well, I have papers to grade. If you will excuse me?"

I left before she could say anything else, and set down to do just that. Most of them were essays with the most poorly written drivel I have ever read. I scrawled a T on a great many of them, and set aside the papers with disgust.

I took a shower, and changed into some fresh teaching robes for dinner. At the teacher's table, I could only watch my wife from afar. She occasionally glanced at me, and blushed. She wrote out a brief note, and when the dinner feast came to a close, she subtly handed it to me.

The note said: I'm going to hide in the broom closet. Sneak me in, I have a need for you. --H

I grinned at the letter and burned it in the nearest fireplace as I made my rounds for the night. When they were done, I sneaked Hermione into the Slytherin common room, and into my room.

We put up silencing charms, and all night we had some wild, explosive sex as soon as we reached the bedroom, although our clothes didn't quite make it to the bedroom. We were snuggling in the bathtub when I pulled her on to my lap, and impaled her on my length. We both revelled in this closeness together, the feel of our bodies becoming one as we made love over and over again.

We slept until early morning, and  then I had to sneak her out before Filch, the Prefects, or Umbridge saw my wife. We had to be careful, and I hated the need to sneak around like being married was a crime, but it was all Dumbledore's fault for preventing us being given our marital rights, and I would make his precious lions suffer for it, mark my words...

Familial Bonds: Sequel To The Purloined PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now