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When Headmistress Umbridge learned that I was, indeed, telling the truth about the rumors, because of the veritaserum, she went on the warpath. Granted, she was a hell of an enemy to have, but she was a useful ally as well, and I was glad that she was on my side for a change.

Classes became harder as the year wound down, and I was more thankful than ever for the timeturner, because otherwise I would have never managed it, and still stayed sane. Sebastian wasn't much better off, because of teaching and his private classes, but at least we saw each other every night, and unlike most of the students and staff, Umbridge was leaving us alone.

Then there came the day Cho Chang was expelled from Hogwarts. Cho, and a handful of students, took it upon themselves to form a Defense Against The Dark Arts club called Potter's Army. Seamus Finnegan led the group, which was shocking, because he never struck any one as the leader type. Nevertheless, they formed this little group, and Cho was interrogated about this, and about my marriage.

She admitted that she slandered me, because she had a crazy crush on Sebastian, and didn't think it was fair that I was able to 'snatch him in her claws,' is how she phrased it. She was jealous and thought that if she spread the vile rumors that it would force me and Sebastian to get a divorce so she could have him to herself. My father in law showed her no mercy, and corroborated the story, saying that if Miss. Chang was in his House, he would have expelled her immediately.

Her exit from Hogwarts was very public, and in the middle of dinner. I was sitting at the Gryffindor table, eating dinner when Umbridge marched down the open aisle to the Ravenclaw table, and pulled Cho's ear, and dragged her out the door of the Great Hall. She screamed as if someone was murdering her, and as the Great Hall doors closed behind the pink toad, and her prey, we all followed to see what the fuss was about.

Cho's parents were there to pick up their daughter, and as Umbridge explained the situation, Mrs. Chang slapped her daughter, hard across the face. Cho was practically dragged off campus, and Umbridge turned to us.

"Let this be a stern reminder to everyone that slander and gossip will not be tolerated at Hogwarts," She announced. "Now, get to your common rooms. Dinner is over!"

We all fled to our common rooms, and I had to go to the Slytherin common room alone, because my husband was busy with his classes.

When he came in, he looked tired as always, and asked, "What was all the fuss in the Great Hall earlier? I had to have dinner with dad, because of my exams from Luteins."

Luteins is the most prestigious wizarding academy for potions and alchemy. I was astonished that Sebastian was already being examined by them already. I had heard that that was where Snape got his own potions master licensing, so to be able to be examined by their potions masters was a real privilege and honor. Of course, the workload was stressful and challenging, and the formulations to the potions complex and sometimes strange.

"Cho Chang was expelled tonight," I explained. "Umbridge really made it this big, public affair, and of course, the other Gryffindor kids are in trouble for forming that dark arts defense group earlier in the year. I'm actually surprised that it took her this long to find out about the club until now."

Sebastian grinned, "Yes, well, I'm sure that being Headmistress can't be an easy job without McGonagoll's help. Come, I really need a soak in the tub after my exams."

I became excited by this, "Are you done with your exams already?"

Sebastian undressed. "No, just for this year. I am being tested every year, and even with dad's help, even I can't make heads or tails out of some of the formulations. The first year's testing was relatively simple, because it focused on what muggles know of chemistry, which is quite a great deal, surprisingly. I just pray that none of them learn how to achieve their same goals magically, because then the word will all be in for a real world of hurt."

I undressed as well, and despite my tiredness, I couldn't help but stare at my husband's nakedness. He was both lean and strong, stronger than he looked, with hands that could snap a neck in half in seconds, or be so gentle you could almost forget their strength. The additional thrill was that he was all mine, mine completely. I followed him into the bathroom, and I marveled somewhat at his personal comfort in his own skin, because until I got married, I always thought that I was ugly, or too skinny to tempt any guy into being intimate with me.

The tub was full, and he got in, turning on the jets. I followed, and soon we were bathing each other. His fingers running through my scalp felt like heaven as I felt my headache from the day lift. He rinsed my hair thoroughly, and then put the conditioner in. I washed his hair in turn.

"Mm, that's nice," He commented. "Although, it would be nice if you rubbed lower."

"But you like it."

"Ugh, do you want me to wash you or not?" I asked, feigning disgust. Sebastian laughed softly.

"My apologies," He smiled, "Do continue. You know your hands work their own magic on me."

I lathered him up, using the loafah, and my own hands. I massaged the back of his neck, his broad shoulders, back, and when I got to his front, I decided to be naughty and use my hands. Our eyes met, and damn, if his black eyes didn't darken even further with lust. My breathing hitched as I ran my hands over his chest, and licked around one nipple and then the other, swirling my tongue in just the way he liked it.

"You play a dangerous game, witch," Sebastian growled, cupping one of my breasts in  one hand, and pulling me on to his lap with the other, and cupping my ass.

He teased my nipple with his teeth, and tongue, and I arched my back, my breathing speeding up. He suckled the other breast, and I couldn't breathe after that.

"Oh, Sebastian..."

"Stroke me," He purred in my ear. I obeyed, continuing my southward explorations, and stroking his semi hard cock underneath the water; it quickly stood to attention, and I slid it inside of me. I wrapped my legs around him as our kissing turned passionate and rough, my hips moving of their own accord as I moved up and down on him, faster and faster, my body relishing the delicious feel of being filled so completely by my husband.

Sebastian ran his hands up and down my back, stroking, caressing up and down my spine, as he bucked his hips, increasing the delicious friction between us. Water spilled every which way as we came closer to our releases, and when we came almost at the same time we held each other close as we always do.

We stared into one another's eyes, needing no words between us to convey the depth of our love for each other. We soon got ready for bed after that, and curled up in bed, totally exhausted and satiated at the same time. Little did we know of what awaited us next year in terms of staff changes, and how that would impact all of Hogwarts in the coming months...

Familial Bonds: Sequel To The Purloined PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now