Never Trust Anything Without a Name

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"COMING!" I screamed at the top of my lungs at Iwaizumi who was on the other side of my front door. We had planned to meet up at my place and get some studying in over the weekend before mid-terms. We chose my place cause my house was pretty big. It wasn't huge like a mansion,  but it wasn't as small as modern-day, 2 story houses. Plus, it had a library that we had already checked for books that could help us with studying. Anyways- I let Iwaizumi and and he took his shoes off, then we made our way to the library.

When we got there, we placed our stuff on the table in the middle of the room. I sat down while Iwaizumi went to grab the other books we needed. I guess they had been in the far back shelves, cause it took him a while. So long I got bored (maybe like 2 minutes actually but still) and started looking around more. I wasn't in there often, cause I didn't have an interest in any of the books in there, so there were a few things that caught my eye.

One was a book. I never got to learn the name of it. But it had a lock on it, which caught my interest.
"I can't leave for 5 minutes without you getting distracted by something. What'd you find that's so cool?" I heard Iwaizumi say from over by the table, I guess he found what we needed.
I walked back to Iwaizumi, bringing the game with me, "No idea."
"Well I guess it's not as interesting as you made it seem." He said, obviously not pleased.
"Just take a look." I said as I put the box on the table.
We both sat down on opposite sides of the table trying to figure out the game. 

I flipped the book over. 
"I was trying to reading that." Iwaizumi said, like as if i took a review package we'd been given for a test. It was just the book cover, and I couldn't even make sense of the words supposed to be on the cover. 
"As I thought." I said to myself "Look, it says here; Those who wish to read must make contact with the book before it is able to open." I read out-loud, copying what the sticky note said. Iwaizumi sighed and reluctantly put his hand on the box too.
"This is pointless. We'd need a key, not our stupid han-"

Iwaizumi's sentence ended there for me, I passed out. 

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