Old Friend or New Foe?

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Iwaizumi and Oikawa had gone on a walk for about 2 hours. Iwaizumi had picked up some wood to fuel the fire over night. He found a few good branches, but they were too long to carry back as they were, so he started wishing he hadn't gave me his sword so he could chop the branch up and take them back easier. He just left them though. Not too long after collecting the sticks they headed back.

When they approached the camp, Iwaizumi noticed the fire was dim, about to die almost. So he ran over and placed the wood in the fire just in time. Iwaizumi stood up and saw something in the corner of his eye, then turned to face it.
"Oh sweet, my sword!" 
Oikawa arrived just as Iwaizumi sat down to make sure there wasn't any damage to the blade. As he looked at Iwaizumi then scanned the area... something was off - I wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Don't you think it's weird Makki left your sword here? He should've taken it if he was going off somewhere, I hope he's alright."
"I didn't even notice he was gone. He'll be fine, he knows where camp is.. hopefully."
"Well that's reassuring." Oikawa said as he sat down beside Iwaizumi. 

They waited 30 minutes. Iwaizumi assumed I had gone somewhere goofing off, and that I'd get bored and return to camp eventually. Oikawa started getting worried and stood up to look around and even call into the forest in hopes I'd hear them.

Something appeared in the distance. Oikawa squinted his eyes, trying to get a better look at the figure.
"Is that Makki?" Oikawa asked. Iwaizumi heard and walked over, assuming Oikawa had asked him the question.
"Maybe." Iwaizumi responded. They both stood in place watching the figure slowly approach.
After some eerie silence, and enough time for the figure to just barely be visible, it said something. 
"Tooru~" The voice called for Oikawa.

Oikawa's eyes widened and he froze. He recognized the voice, the walk, the figure, everything, but it wasn't me. Iwaizumi was just confused. It couldn't have been me, but they knew Oikawa.
"You got friends out here?" Iwaizumi asked Oikawa.
Oikawa started shaking his head and backing up. He grabbed Iwaizumi's arm and tried pulling him with him.
"He's not a friend. We need to get out of here." Oikawa spoke before he turned around to start running. He tried dragging Iwaizumi with him, it didn't work like Oikawa hoped but Iwaizumi got the idea and just ran with Oikawa without asking anything or putting up a fuss.

They ran in the opposite direction of the figure and away from the camp. The further they got, the better it was, Oikawa thought. After a bit, when they were miles away from camp, they needed to stop and rest to catch their breath. So in between breaths Iwaizumi was able to say "So who was that?"
Oikawa hesitated answering for a few seconds, but eventually did. "Remember when we were looking at the list of people that could help?"
Iwaizumi nodded.
"And the person Makki pointed to?" Oikawa followed up. 
"Uhh, I think? The person at the top of the list wasn't it? Issei Matsukawa or something like that."

"You called?" A voice came from behind Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi instinctively brought up his sword and swung at the person. Matsukawa dodged by ducking and stepping out of the way. Iwaizumi then jumped over to Oikawa and stood in front of him to protect him.
Matsukawa dramatically gasped at that. "Ouch Tooru, have you been feeding the new-comers lies about me?" Matsukawa said in regards to Iwaizumi suddenly having his guard up so much around someone new.
"No! I told them the truth about how much of a bad person you are!"
"Ouch, you hurt my feelings again." Matsukawa replied sarcastically. 
"What do you want?" Iwaizumi butted in.
"Nothing much~ I just wanted to ask a favor of you, Iwaizumi."

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