Everybody Needs a Fort in a Tree

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I woke up the next morning, earlier than I would've liked to. I didn't get a good sleep because I had too much on my mind. But first, was food. I made my way over to the counters and fridge, seeing what Oikawa had. It wasn't much. Much that I liked anyways. It was mostly veggies like broccoli, carrots, y'know, the usual. 

"Have you got no manners whatsoever?" Iwaizumi almost yelled at me, he was coming down the hallway. I jumped to be completely honest, he scared me cause he came outta nowhere. "I'm kicking you out, get outside until we're ready to go."
"You can't do that, it's not your house." I thought I had him, but he just started pushing me towards the door. "Alright alright, I'll leave. I wanted to make a fort in a tree anyways." I took a big step ahead of Iwaizumi and made my way outside, over to the forest.

Some time went by before Iwaizumi and Oikawa left the tower. It took them a few hours, I swear. Because I had a full fort built in a tree. It could hold a futon, some storage for food and drinks, plus some place for sitting. I got so wrapped up in it I didn't hear the two calling me until Iwaizumi screamed at me from the base of the tree. I was just about to leave when Oikawa peeked his head in "Hello!"
"Welcome!" I welcomed Oikawa. He climbed up fully and sat down. "This is so cool! How long were you out here working on this?"
"Uhh a few hours I think?" I answered.
"How'd you make something so big so fast?" Oikawa questioned me again.
"I had an idea, I liked the plan, so I followed through. I also just wanted to show Iwaizumi that kicking me out did nothing."
"Why'd he kick you out?"
"I was hungry, and wanted food, and he got mad at me for-"
"C'mon you two, we don't have all day" Iwaizumi screamed at us, cutting me off.
Oikawa and I left the fort, not before it gave it a farewell leaf. Then we went on our way to get Iwaizumi and I back home.

"Ah, I probably should have said earlier" Oikawa spoke out of nowhere. "The trip to the town could take up to a full day if walking on foot-"
Both Iwaizumi and I stopped walking and looked at him like 'are you serious?'. After a second, Iwaizumi just sighed while I asked "Didn't you say the forest can get dangerous at night?"
Oikawa nodded and replied "Yeah, but I assumed Iwa-chan could protect us."
"Well thanks for volunteering my sleep and life while you two get to doze off and dream about wonderland." Iwaizumi spoke, then continued walking.
Oikawa seemed to look a bit guilty for that, cause he seemed bothered by something after Iwaizumi spoke up. I got tired of him moping around like that and said something "Alright, how about I take guard duty for the night?"
"Please do."
"Thank you!"
Iwaizumi seemed sour, but I know that was his way of thanking me. I smiled at them and walked off somewhere to find something.

I grabbed a big, thick stick and caught up to them again.
"What's that for?" Oikawa asked.
"A weapon, duh. Just in case." I replied.
"Hanamaki." Iwaizumi called my name, so obviously I was gonna look in his direction. I'm glad I did though, otherwise the sword he tossed at me would've hit my head- I caught it though.
"You're just giving this to me?"
"Only for the night, you aren't protecting shit with a stick. I want it back in the morning just how it is now, in perfect condition."
"Well I can't make any promises on the condition it'll be in if something does happen, but thanks!"
"I'll take the stick then!" Oikawa interrupted. I handed him the stick, and for the rest of the journey he had a walking stick.

However, when nightfall came, we were still in the middle of the forest.

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