The Birth Of A New Sin

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The Seven Deadly Sin's mentioned throughout the time mankind has existed upon Earth.

Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Envy, and the most powerful in my honest opinion-


The profane symbol's of humanity's darkest and most vile emotions, and how truly evil each one can be if not handled properly in restraint.

They are the opposing force's to the Seven Heavenly Virtue's, the ones that govern over the best of human's list of emotion's, both side's are of the same mold though in my opinion.

There is the chance in every soul to do both harm or good, though it takes a lot of circumstances to make a soul do one side or the other, circumstance's that happen during the thing called Life.

But if one were to hold power over a sin or virtue, would they be controlled by the unaltered power of such a complex human emotion?

If I were to hold power over the sin of Wrath, would I have enough control over my emotions and power, to control the emotion so similar to a Dragon's Scorching Flame's?

It's a question that will be fundamental to this book, to hold power over such a atrocious human emotion, and temper themselves in the dark fire of such perpetual Wrath.

"Take heed in dealing with your emotions, for they can and will lead a man to his brilliant Rise or agonizing Downfall, and always remember that human nature and emotions will forever dance between the ever present Light and Dark of the Soul."  A quote that I came up with, that I think explains just how fickle human nature and emotion is.


A/N: Before I truly begin this story I've been sitting on for a while, let me just warn you this book will be darker due to it's theme, the theme being that of wielding the Sin Of Wrath, or as the Roman's called it "Ira". This book will contain stuff that may seem disturbing to some, but it is in order for the main character to fully bring forth her power of Wrath.

The sound's of agony filled scream's echoed throughout the brightly lit hallway, the cries sending icy chill's down most nearby human's bony spine's. Inside a brightly lit room stinking of medicine a stunningly beautiful woman was in the middle of childbirth.

"AGGGAAGGH SON OF A BITCH!!!" The woman had started to cuss worse than a booze addled sailor on his honeymoon to Vegas, making many of the parent patients cover their children's ear's.

Soon after the air had been fouled by a obscene amount of expletive's and swears, the sound's and scream's of a newborn babe filled the air of the hospital. The tired woman also stopped screaming and swearing as her ordeal finished, the cries of the babe were just as loud as the previous screams.

The woman laid upon the hospital bed in a disheveled heap, dark black and red hair adorned her small head in sweaty clump's. She looked upon the newborn babe she had just birthed into this harsh but beautiful world.

The doctor in the room took a pair of scissors and cut the baby's umbilical cord quickly, the baby had brilliantly vibrant shinning silver eye's and a powerful set of lung apparently too! The man smiled as he gently set the babe in her mother's waiting arm's, always enraptured by the sight that in his opinion was more beautiful than anything in this harsh world.

The heart melting sight of a mother holding her child in her arm's for the first time, savoring the feeling of the soft skin of her child against her own flesh.

The mother had sparkling tear's in her eye's as at last held her own flesh and blood, the tear's were so crystal clear as they fell off her face in stream's of silent joy, her joy at her wish of being a mother at long last being fulfilled.

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