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It's been about 3 days since I last wrote, and our plan didn't work.

Not at all.

We got into town 2 days ago, the perfect time for me and Axel to escape. It was night, most likely around 11 pm due to some lights still being on, and we had managed to gather a small amount of our belongings before booking it out the door. Since we were actually in town, Humbert didn't have to pull an all nighter to drive. We thought this would be easy. We were so very wrong.

After about a minute or two of us running, there was a noise behind us. The noise of a car driving. Or rather, a tour bus. The bus was following us slowly. Axel noticed it first, and when he started to run faster, the bus followed. I can't recall how many streetlights we almost bumped into. Our legs were about to give out any second. It seemed less like the bus was trying to get us back, and more like it was trying to run us down and leave us dead on the street. It's only as I'm writing this that I remember the bus not having anybody at the wheel. I couldn't remember much for a few days, though, because the last thing I can remember before waking back up in my bunk was Axel tripping and me running to help him back up, and finally, a loud car horn blaring in my ears. It's time for Plan B.

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