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he got in the car and immediately frowned at me

"What?" I asked

"we aren't going 'shoppin', H"

"Okay.. we're not going shopping" I agreed.. then added, "We're going to trade a few bills for food and other things you need at the store"

"No! That's shopping!" he protested

I just shrugged.

"Call it whatever you want, Lou.. We're still doing it" 

When we arrived at the store, he grabbed my hand before I could step out of the car..

"Louis, please, just let me do this one thing for... hey.. hey, bub, what's wrong?" I stopped my sarcastic tone when I actually looked at him and seen the tears in his eyes

"No one ever does anything like this for me.. No one cares. No one.. no one wants to make sure I have food in my fridge or anything.. I just.. you're a good friend, Harry.. I mean it. Thank you"

I pulled him into a hug over the center console and he sniffled

"I'm always here. I don't care what you wanna talk about, I'll be here to talk about it. I'll never judge you. Not if you're having money problems. Or boy problems. Work problems. Family problems. Or if you've got a rash. Okay?"

"A rash?" he repeated 

"I don't know. I'm just saying, you can talk to me. You never have to be embarrassed of anything."

As I put random food items in the trolly, my phone started to go off. I pulled it from my pocket and smiled at the screen.



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I swiped the answer button and put the phone to my ear

"Hello, darling" I greeted my boyfriend as I grabbed a can of corn from the shelf and put it into the car

"Uh, hey.. where'd you go? I'm home"

"I got so bored at the house.. I'm grocery shopping with Louis."

"You got bored.. so you went to the market?" he asked through a soft laugh

"Well, the thing is.. he's a bit tight on money.. and I'm kinda forcing him to maybe sorta let me get him some things.. and lets just maybe say he pouts like a grumpy penguin when he's mad"

Niall laughed again. "You're sweet, Harry.. I'm glad you've got a good friend. And you're so good to your friends.. I love you and I'll see you when you're home? Maybe have him here for dinner, if you'd like?"

"Thank you, babe.. and yeah, I'll invite him. I love you too. See you"

"See you, haz"

I hung up and turned around to look for Louis

He was frowning at the shelf infront of him.. He had one hand on his chin and one arm across his chest. 

I cleared my throat and he jumped..

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked with a smile. My dimples were showing, I was smiling so wide

He showed his signature lop-sided grin and pointed at the spaghetti noodles

"One is curly. One is normal. Does one taste normal while the other tastes.. curly?"

We both immediately started laughing. I grabbed the curly ones and put them in the cart

"The curly ones are the best"

"They kinda look like your curls, Harry" he said as he reached up and messed with my hair

"And guess what? My curls are the best aswell" I joked and flipped my hair off my shoulder

Immediately, a pain rung through my neck and I winced and might've let out a few choice words at the world..

"Son of a- fuck! mmm fuck that hurt" I growled

"Are you okay?" Louis asked frantically as he grabbed my forearm

"Yea- I just.. I pulled a muscle in my neck. It's killing me"

He pulled me to the check out and I paid for everythign then we went to the car. He put everythign in the backseat and made me just go ahead and get in..

When he finally got in, he leaned over the console and put his hands on my shoulder/neck

"No, don't touch!" I flinched away from him

"Harreh, I dated a guy who was a masseuse. He taught me how to do this. I can fix your neck"

I gave in and let him rub my neck and shoulder. It hurt at first.. then I was fine and all the tension and pain was melting away.. 

"Thank you" I smiled at him as he sat properly back down in the passenger seat

"Anytime" he shrugged

"You're amazing at that.. You could be a Masseuse, ya know. I'd pay for massages every week."

His cheeks went a little red and he buckled his seatbelt

"Maybe" he shrugged

"You should, Lou, I mean it.." 

We went to his house and I helped carry groceries in. It was a small place- just a two bedroom, one bath, kitchen and dining room connected, with a living room that could've very well also been a bedroom. 

But it was comfy. And home-y. And it all described Louis perfectly. 

Small. Cute. Clean. Pretty.

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