Chapter 11

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One week later after Y/n mother escape

Warning: Gunshots and death


It's been a week since the news of my mother had escape from prison. I called my grandmother and told her what had happened.
Tho I have my boyfriend's here to love and protect me, I still wanted to warn the one's who were close to me since case my mother in up visiting them. "everything will be alright love, we won't let your mother harm you" my grandmother said over the phone. I was glad that her and grandpa were the only two in my family that care about me.

"Thank grandma, I'll let you go on since I have food to make" I bid my farewell for now as we both hang up the phone. "Your scared aren't you hun" I heard as I turn to see Yunho there leaning against the archway entrance to the kitchen. "Is it that obvious?" I ask and Yunho nodded his head as he came over and gently wrap his arms around me gently and pulled me close against him.
"It's normal to be scared hun, you don't have to hold back on us" He told me as I wrap my arms around him. I nodded my head and closed my eyes to enjoy the warmth from him. "I know"


When Y/n told us the news about her mother escaping from prison. The guys and I took action and had some of us take turns watching out. Right now, Both Wooyoung and I were on parlor to make sure Y/n mother wasn't around. "This is getting ridiculous, why can't people leave Y/n alone for once" Wooyoung said as he sighed in frustration and I don't blame him. "I know what you mean, her parents are very persistent" Nodding to what I said. Wooyoung and I check places before heading inside to get food.

Yunho POV

After a few minutes of hugging. Y/n and I went to make some tomatoes soup and grill cheese sandwich. It was something simple and filling since today we didn't do much shopping. "I hope today supper was enough for everyone?" Y/n said worryingly but I gave her a smile and a kiss on the cheek. "It's more the enough for us hun, we are glad to have wonderful woman in our lives even tho we're different" I said as we turn to see the guys coming in and taking a seat at the table.


"Nothing so far I'm guessing" I ask since today San and Wooyoung were patrolling around. "Yea but since tomorrow we're heading to the store to get more food and shop for clothes, we made a plan that half of us guys will go get the food while the rest of us will go with you for clothes shopping" San said as he took a seat near the window as the rest took their seat.

"I see, do we know who's going with who?" I ask while Yunho and I where placing everyone plate and bowls in front of them with food in them. "We haven't decided yet but we thought of letting you decide if you wanted that is" Seonghwa says as everyone was started to dig into their food. 
"Me but I suck at choosing people soon I think you guys can decide on that" it was true since I was never good at picking people like in games or in life.
"That's alright, come and sit before your food gets cold love" Jongho said as he gently took my hand and gently pull my hand, ushering me to take my seat.

The next day

Hongjoong POV

Since today the guys and I took Y/n to the mall, Yeosang, Wooyoung, Seonghwa and San went to get the grocery. The rest of us went to take Y/n to shop for clothes while keeping an eye out.
"What do you want to get first babe?" Mingi ask since Y/n looked like she was spacing out. "Huh, oh um well I been needing to get new shirts and pants since my lates ones were staring to get small on me" Y/n said when she snap out of her head space. "Alright then, lead the way hun" I said letting her lead the way as we followed behind.


Once we arrive to one of the stores I never been to. I went to start searching for something I wanted to try tho there were a lot of options. After searching for a few minutes, I manage to pick out about 6 shirts I want and 5 pair of pants. "Did you find what you needed there love?" Hongjoong ask and nodded my head. "All of them are right here, but now I think it's your guys turn to get some new clothes" I said and went to put the clothes I want in a basket Jongho was holding.

"That's not necessary hun, we're alright on clothes" Yunho mention as I should have known that their demons. "You sure?" The guys nodded their head and we headed to the check out area.
Once the clothes shopping was done, we head out to wait for the rest to get done with their grocery shopping.

As we waited. We all try to relax but suddenly we heard a gun shot. People were screaming in panicked as a lot of people were running away as I heard someone yelling with anger voice. "WHERE IS SHE, WHERE IS THAT BITCH?!" The voice belonged to someone that was way to familiar to not recognize.

"Shit, get down" Hongjoong said as he shove me down under a table to hide me while they block the view so my mother won't see me. "I know your here Y/n, you slut, dirty whore. I see your stupid playboys here with you now come out before someone dies to my gun!!!" My mother said as she fire out another shot as a warning or something. I didn't know what to do and I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of the crazy woman.

Not before long I heard a woman scream for her child as my mother laugh like a manic. "You have the count of 5 before I put a bullet to this little boy head" She took a Child as a hostage!!!





I couldn't stand it. I came out of my hiding and stood in front of the guys where my mother could see me. "Well, Well look who finally shown up" shoving the child out of the way. My mother pointed her gun at me as she started to walk towards me.
"Did you think, you could get away with the inheritance and having your parents lock away!" She said angrily was she stopped about 20 feet away from me. "You got yourselves in prison, it your fault of how you turn out to be!" I said as I was scared but had to face her before she ended up shooting an innocent bystander.
"If you would have been a good girl and died already, none of this would have happened!" My mother said as she turn and shot a guy that was protecting his family suddenly. Before I could have said anything, she turn her gun back to me and grin as the woman of the guy scream and cried for the injured guy.

"Your a monster" I glared at her as I heard sirens outside of the mall. "Oh I'm hurt, wounded truly, oh please do I care at this point" my mother said sourly as she looked straight at me. Knowing that there was nothing to change this woman mind. Everyone could hear the police shouting at my mother to put the gun down and they have the place surrounded. "Why..why do this?!" I yelled at her and she gave me the death glare.
"Because you.. Ruined..My..LIFE!!!"  Said that, she pulled the trigger. Everything happen in a flash, with my eyes closed and a brace myself for the bullets impact. I felt nothing but suddenly felt arms wrapped around softly.
I refused I open my eyes in case I wasn't over, ringing in my ears I could barely hear anything but sounds like someone yelling and banging sounds before they suddenly stop. Slowly but surely I open my eyes to see a sight that was horrific. But I then looked at myself to see that I wasn't harm but look to see that the bullet was on the floor.

"What just..." Not knowing what to say. I turn to look at the person behind me and saw that Mingi was holding me close as Hongjoong, Jongho and Yunho were there looking at my mother.
"It's over Y/n" Hongjoong said as he looked at me. "What do you mean?" Not following on what he meant. I looked over then suddenly realized that my mother wasn't moving.

She was dead

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