Day 60

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It has officially been five days, I haven't spoken one word. To make matter worse I feel the need to commit suicide. I mean before grandma Bennet trapped me here (nice gift by the way gramps), she wouldn't stop yaping on and on how amazing the other side is. Like bitch if it was so great why didn't you take me with you. Instead she thought her only grandchild should learn a lesson. Way to go gramps I'll be sure to a write a thank you card when eternity ends. Enough about that old hag, let's talk about another one of lifes misery. Kai. Kai was very young when he realized when he was old enough he was going to kill his family and suck the magic out of his twin sister. He was born with a great sense of humor if you call killing your mother and half a covens of witches humor, then he's your guy. Anyway Kai the bastard does have good some qualities. Like how his eyes sparkle whenever he get an evil idea. And the crocked yet so handsome smile he gives me every once in a while when our paths corresponds. *Coughs* I meant Kai's an evil idiot. And even if I wanted to grind on him I can't, I have a boyfriend, his name is Jimmy and I'm only a couple years older from him. Won't get into detail because that suicide feeling I keep getting. I look up into the horizon to take in my surrounding once again. The prision world is just like real life. It has all the places you would normally have on earth, only difference is in the prison world when you visit the busy crowded streets of New York there are literally no people or no animals. Also the fact that it is always 1995 June third might tip you off.

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