The Bridge that Divides

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My name is Montgomery Kane, and I am a direct descendant of Tomas Kane, the man whose heroic act saved dozens of people and tore him from his humble origins. What follows is an excerpt from my report on his life. I will forgo the mundane and focus on the events that led up to the disaster that changed his life and the small town where he grew up.

April 27, 1958, Journal of Tomas Kane.

I've made up my mind. I'm going to tell Rose how I feel about her. We've been close since we were children and my fondness for her has blossomed into love. I'm going to admit how I feel and tell her everything. My hand shakes as I write this because I'm so nervous but I can't hold back how I feel. I'm going to tell her tonight. Wish me luck.

April 27, 1958, Diary of Bellarose Howard.

How DARE HE! Tomas took me to dinner and told me he loves me. He told me he loves me when he knows I'm in love with Richard. How dare he! I was flabbergasted. I was dumbfounded. I was enraged! I AM enraged! How could he do this to me. I tried to let him down easy. I told him that we were good friends and that I didn't want to ruin our friendship. He got all mopey and I asked if he was still going to take James and me to the fair this Saturday. He seemed to perk up a little and brought me home. If not for how excited James is to attend the fair, I might've changed my mind.

April 28, 1958, Journal of Tomas Kane.

Rose wants to remain friends. She said that our friendship is too important to her and that she doesn't want to jeopardize it. After all that, she asked if I was still going to take her and her brother to the fair on Saturday. I explained that I had given my word and I wouldn't go back on it. What kind of man would I be if I went back on my word? We left the restaurant and she linked arms with me like she always does. I'm at a loss. She tells me that she doesn't share my feelings but then acts as if nothing has changed. Am I a fool?

April 29, 1958, Diary of Bellarose Howard.

I stopped by Richard's house today. He seemed lethargic and tired. I asked if he had slept well, and he said that he'd had dreams of dragons. I'm not sure what that meant. I asked if he would be at the fair and he said that he would be too busy. I asked when next I could see him, and he was noncommittal as usual. I wish he could be more like Tomas and actually make plans and stick to them. James is excited for the fair and won't stop talking about it. He is very excited for Saturday. I wish I shared his enthusiasm.

May 1, 1958, Journal of Tomas Kane.

I saw Rose at the Mayday festival. I know how she sees me, and I want to be a good friend. I only want her to be happy, but I am confused. She ran up to me and gave me a hug. Not just a hug, but one that lasted overly long. I let go and she kept ahold of my neck. Finally, I patted her back and she let go. She dragged me to all the booths and kept linking arms only to let go when we got close to another booth. I thought she wanted to stay friends? Friends don't link arms or hug that long, do they? I don't know what's going on. Maybe I'll ask her at the fair.

May 3,1958, Clipping from the Daily Advocate Newspaper

Just after the tolling of the noon bells, tragedy struck our small town. The foot bridge connecting the fairgrounds with Johnson's Pharmaceutical collapsed due to erosion caused by the high levels of runoff. Many were injured and several are still considered missing. There are reports of a young man holding two of the suspension cables together so that others might make it to safety. This reporter searched for the man and found that he was none other than the Kane orphan, Tomas. Unfortunately, he was reportedly pulled into the river when the bridge collapsed and is still listed among the missing. Search efforts are ongoing.

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