Stoner Nation

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"Blake ! Blake!" I hear my boyfriend calling my name down the hall

"What?" I look at him

"You know we need to talk" he says smiling

"I know" I frown at him

"I love you .." He says

"Well I don't know if I do right now Winston" I say to him

I give him a hug and walk away

"Give me a B, give me a L, give me a AKE" Tamsin comes up with her Pom poms "are you ready for tonight's game Blondie locks?"

"Maybe .." I say

"What happened with you and the Dubs (W's)" she asks

"He's just .. Idk like I feel like he's doing to much right now" I say

"I feel you" she says "it's gonna be okay B"

"Yeah I know"

I walk towards the field with my cheer sisters. Anyways, I'm Blake Clarke or B or Blondie locks, whatever floats your boat. I'm the Italian princess. I have honey blonde hair, I'm beautiful, hazel/green eyes & I'm thick .. Asff.

"Let's go Stoners !!! Let's go!" We cheer "Micheal!! Micheal!! Micheal!!"

From the field I can feel Winston staring at me

"For our halftime we will have student musician Adrianna Brown" the announcer says

We go for a 10 minute half time with Stoners winning 7-0 right now.

"I know you've seen me" the girl starts

"Whose that?" I ask Tamsin

"You don't know who that is?" She looks at me baffled

"Well .. No" I say

"She's about as popular or even more popular than you" she spills

"That's .. " I gasp and look at her

"Yeah Adri Synn" She looks at her all google eyed

"Stop looking at her like that!" I roll my eyes

"But she's so freakin pretty" she says

"Tamsinnnnn" I say

"Sorryy" she says still looking at me "she's like a princess"


I'm not gonna lie.. Her voice is amazing ! But I never knew she was popular too. She's pretty. Hazel eyes, honey brown skin, long wavy hair, Just .. Ufff.

"See now you're staring" Tamsin says laughing

"Whatever" I say

* Adrianna P.O.V *

I come down from performing, that was great ya know. Everyone's clapping and cheering for me

"Good job" This cheerleader girl tells me .. If I'm not mistaken i think her name is Tamsin cause i know her brother Tanner

"Thank you .."

"Tamsin" she finishes

"Tamsin" I smile at her. No lie she's pretty asf

Everybody expects me to know everybody at this school but with over 4,000 kids its kinda hard to keep up. I try my best tho.

She smiles back at me "You .. Wanna hang out later?" She asks

"Sure beautiful. Get my number from your brother" I wink

I walk off the field and to the stands, with so much power at the school I feel like I own it.

"Adri" someone taps me on my shoulder

"Wussup" I turn around

It's Kendall fine ass. She's just so gorgeous. Green/hazel eyes, Brownskin shorter than me girl, Thick in all the right places, Beautiful asf. Mmmm if I could marry this girl I so would

"Hey Kendall" I smile at her

"Hey A" she sits down next to me

She's wearing one of my custom jerseys, leggings and taxis

"See you got Adri jersey on" I smirk

"Of course I do ! I'm your number 1 fan" she smiles cheesing real hard

"I know that" I smile back at her

"Look down" she looks at me

She's unbuttoning the top of the jersey slowly letting me get a peek

"Nahh Kendall we been friends for so damn long" I look down "idk"

"I know that too" she moves her hand on my leg

I honestly don't know what im gonna do. Smash or pass.

She grabs my hand and walks me off the bleachers & back to my car

"You don't know what you're doing" I back her up against the car

"I know exactly what I'm doing" she brings her face closer to me "I know you A, I know what you're about"

"I don't think you do" I put my hands on her waist & kiss her

She kisses me back & we continue for about 10 minutes until I back up for air

"You're a good kisser" I laugh

"So are you" she smiles

"We should probably walk back now .." I say

* Blake P.O.V *

"Y'all should be friends" Tamsin says

"Nahhh" I say

"Whatever but one day it will happen" she says

"Never" I say & the game starts again "Go Stoners !!"

I'm surprised our mascot isn't a big fat blunt

Blake (FemxStud)Where stories live. Discover now