Chapter 5 - Lucid Dreaming

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*Adri P.O.V*
"Do you want this?" B asks me with a seductive face on. I nod my head & look in her beautiful eyes. She takes her shirt off & throws it at me as i lay back on the bed. "You sure you ready ?" I ask. She climbs on top of me & straddles my lap "I'm pretty sure" she leans down & kisses me. "Okay" I smile, I can't believe what's about to go down. I never thought Blake would do this is a million years man. She sits up on me & takes off her bra "Damn B" I look at her & flip us over. I kiss on her neck & give her a trail of hickeys. She smells so good yo. Laws jesus. I kiss down to her titties & suck on her nipples & she lets a moan slip out her mouth. "Damn A..." I continue to kiss down her stomach then kiss back up to her lips & slide my hand down to her pussy. I look in her eyes to get that last step of confirmation & I go down to take her shorts off. Kiss in between her thighs, teasing her a little bit before I dive in. * RING RING * I look over "baby don't get that" Blake begs me to go down. I look at my phone and let that shit ring & start eating her out "shit .." She breathes out. * BEEP BEEP BEEP*
I wake up on my stomach with a huge smile on my face. SHIT SHIT SHIT. I was dreaming. That girl is one amazing girl. Damn .. Man. I thought that was really happening. If I could just finish that damn dream man. Right fucking now. I just wanted to hear that "I'm gonna cum". I sigh & I roll over mad as shit & reality sets in. My alarm clock says 7:43 "Shit .. I overslept !" I get up & get my clothes on fast af with no hesitation. I was dreaming about Blake & everytime I do that, my mind starts to wonder. Will this ever happen? I gotta be to school in 15 minutes. I brush my teeth, put my clothes, which I decided to wear a red long tee, black joggers and my red Roshes & put my hair in a simple bun & im out the door rushing to the car.

*Blake P.O.V*
"So .. Should I ask her what we are?" I close my locker as I ask Tamsin. "I mean .. I know we just started talking & going out on cute dates and everything but I want to know what we are doing" I say looking at her. She looks at me back & pulls me to English with her "don't put a label on things my dear" she pats my back trying to be like Betty white. "Are you happy?" she asks me. "Yeah" I say "But how do I know how sh-". Tamsin cuts me off putting her finger on my lips "let it be young Blake .. Let it be. See you later!" She goes into her classroom. Well some help she was ! 'Let it be' who does she think she is, I laugh to myself. I think Adri's thinking the same thing ya know! Cause we both know what we want. We want to be together .. I mean I hope. I go to art & sit in our spot. "Hey ! Hey! Sorry I'm late!" Adri rushes in sitting next to me.
"Hey" I say smiling at her "why are you late?" I ask her. She looks at me laughing "let's just say I had a beautiful girl in my dreams".
I look at her for a moment & smile "oh a beautiful girl?" I go over to the sink to get a paintbrush for our next assignment & she follows, coming up behind me "yeah .. She had beautiful gold locks & a cute ass smile" she says playing in my hair. I turn around so we're face to face "and what exactly did you dream about?" I ask. "Well" she starts off putting her hands around my waist "let's just say it's too something to talk about" she laughs & goes back to our table with paintbrushes & a canvas. I look at her & smile. Now I really wonder what her dream was about.
"So what was it about?" I sit next to her putting my hand on her. "Things" she tells me "I cant get into full details right now" she smiles. "Oh ..." I look at her "it was that? .. That?" I smirk at her
"Yes" she spills "that .. That" the bell rings and I'm off to another class & she walks with me "well maybe we should talk about that" i tell her. "Talk about what?" She takes my bag. "That that" I say.
"Well .. What about that that" she looks over at me as we rush to math. "How we could make it a reality" I say smiling. She looks at me intently & the bell rings. I take my bag from her & kiss her before I walk in "we'll talk about this later" I say.
*Adri P.O.V*
A REALITY !! I scream to myself ! Boy am I in for a treat. She wants to make this a reality ! I rush over to my Chem class and sit down. Damn a reality.
"Is this seat taken?" This girl asks
"Nah .. You cool, we don't have assigned seats in this class" I say smiling. I look at this girl and why I've never seen her before. But ah well whatever, this schools big anyways. This girl is gorgeous though. She has dark skin, curly light brown hair, beautiful face, nice waist and a tribal shirt, light blue shorts and some yellow low heels on. I'm surprised I've really never seen her before !
"Class" Ms.Edelman starts out "we have a new student in our class" she says. "I'd like you all to meet Tian Omiata" The girl next to me stands up and I look at her again .. Well shit. She sits back down and looks at me as I look back at her. "I'm Tian" she says to me sticking out her hand. "Adrianna .. But you can call me Adri" I say amazed. She has this cute ass accent. "Where are you from?" I ask. "I'm from Sierra Leone" she says "as in .. Sierra Leone in Africa?" I ask all into it. "Well there is only one right ?" She laughs at me "I mean, there could be more" I smile "I like your accent" I wave around my mouth "it's cute". She laughs at me again "thank you". Ms. Edelman looks at me "since you're sitting next to Adrianna, Tian she can get you caught up with what we've been doing in class so far". I tell Ms.E "no problem" and take out all my notes "so .. It's not a lot to catch up on but it is pretty complex" I say. She looks at what we've been learning. "I've learned this already" she smiles "oh really? I say laughing. "Yeah" she says "I did chemistry as a freshman". "Well .. No catching up for you" I say and look at the board as Ms.E is talking. The bell rings in 30 minutes and I'm off to my next class.
"Yo !" Tamsin stops me in the hallway. "What's good T?" I ask her still walking. "Nothing just .. Ya girl was flipping this morning"she tells me. "Flipping how?" I ask her. "Well .. She doesn't know what you guys are" she says. I put my arm around Tamsin. "Well you see my dear friend Tamsin, she is my girl .. Well I think she is my girl" I say "see .. Y'all need to talk" she slips away from under my arm "about a couple things actually" she says. "Yeah man you're right".

* After School*
I had a free last block so Blake hops in my whip as soon as the bell rings. "Blake .." I look at her "yes babe?" She looks at me. "Do you know what we are? Or what I want you to be" I ask. She hesitates then fiddles with her bag "Well I have an idea". I pull her attention back to me "I want you to be my girlfriend" I say seriously. She smiles at me and kisses me "and I want you to be mines". So I guess its official now. B and I are official. "I'm gonna change my bio" she laughs. "I'm gonna change mine too" I laugh with her. "And about earlier, we don't have to rush to do that .. If you want" I say. She puts her phone & bag down and looks down "I want to so bad .." She says "I'm a virgin" she says. I think to myself, Imma turn that virgin ass out boy! But nah I can wait tho. I can I'm not pressed to fuck her. I want to love her more to make it feel so much better. I mean .. I want her first time to be amazing and for her to feel like she's loved & special. "I thought you .." I said "no .." She says "I've never". I hold her hand "we can wait .. There's no need to rush that babe" I say. She hugs me and I drive off to our favorite little coffee shop where this sort of all began.

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