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As I thrust open my door, tears began to make their way down my cheek. I ran through the kitchen, past my lunatic of a mother and my father who were drinking coffee and talking about something. I made my way up the stairs and sprinted into my periwinkle colored room. I hopped onto my bed and buried my face in my deep purple pillow.
I wish that I had never accepted my gift. I decided that whatever or whoever did this to me would regret their doing and I would stop them from doing this to anyone else.
"Knock knock." My mother's voice said through my door.
"Go away!" I yelled though she probably couldn't tell because my face was in my pillow. My mother opened the door and sat on the edge of my bed as if she thought I was dangerous and could escape quickly. I propped myself up with my arm and looked at her. She reached for my hair to move it out of my face, but I slapped her hand
"What's wrong?" She asked as she stroked her hand through her hair.
"Like I'd ever tell you." I muttered.
"Goodness Emma!" She said as she put her hand over her mouth. "You can tell me anything, I am your mother."
That last statement made me go wild.
"You're not my mother and you never will be!" I screamed. Apparently she got the message and scurried out of the room lifting up the end her dress so she wouldn't trip.
I laid back down and rested my eyes. I had set my goal of finding the person who cursed me and I would fulfill it and before I knew it, I was asleep.

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