Victor Eden

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Age: 16
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: a crystalline blue
Birthday: October 31st
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Siblings: Evelyn Eden
Parents: Thomas and Ivy Eden(Wisteria)

Personality: Victor is a true dear. He's kind, charming, optimistic, and determined. Encouraged to daydream by his beloved mother, he did so often. You'll often find him with a whimsical expression on his face.

Birthplace: Wicker Hollow, Louisiana
Personality Type: INFP

●In contrast with his sister, he was born on a calm, quiet Halloween night

●Though not gifted in the art of paranormal sight, Victor adores the balance of nature and nurtures plants and animals.

●Victor is often pegged as a daydreamer, and even though he's very whimsical, he's always aware of his surroundings.

●His nickname is Snapdragon
●He adores his sister, she's essentially all he has left.

●While he is a much more shy soul, he's no less a survivor than his sister.

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