my hot bodyguard-2

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Counting from previous part

"Mam I think it's sir please let me go"

"Shh He'll not come in my room..."

I pulled him again into me...I picked his lips in mine...he softly pulled my lips by his...I was closing my eyes... suddenly someone grabbed my arm...I looked at sm1..he was my dad omg I am dead now...he glared at me...i shirts two buttons were opened...I turned back side and unbuckled them...

"Didn't you ashamed shadi se pehle ye sab aur wo bhi ek mamuli se bodyguard ke sath"

I looked down..he was right from his side but he should understand my side also...I also crave for love, crave for care ,crave for physical desires..he caged me from my childhood...I never experienced anyone's love...I was trying to find that love in Dev so what's wrong in that...I don't know what happened to me I hold his hand tightly infront of dad...he looked at Dev...And boom he slapped him...but there is no mistake of him in this

"But ba..." He stopped me and said him to leave from here and don't show his face again...he was about to leave...I hold his hand to stop him...but he jerked my hand and leaves from there..

At night I was sleeping on my bed...or just pretending to sleep... suddenly I saw someone coming into my room... I was about to scream but sm1 made me smell chloroform...I fell unconscious...

When I opened my eyes I was tied with a bed...I tried to open myself... suddenly I heard some foot steps..." don't try that because of your stupid desires I lost my job and respect also now I'll show you what is a real pain now you'll suffer" By saying this he hovers on me and started sucking my neck..."D...ev "I moaned in pleasure...then he gave a hard bite on my neck...I gasped in pain...I could see him smirking...he removed my t-shirt... he kissed my overall chest and stomach...he was teasing me hardly... he gave some wet kisses on my jawline..."ple..ase d...ev um..mph." he was teasing me a lot...

Dev's pov

Because of I get slap from your father na now see how much I'll tesse you baby..I removed her whole clothes and moved my hand on her boobs.. making he shiver...I moved my lips on them..she was biting her lower lip sensually...I started sucking then harshly...her hands were tied...she was breathing heavily... slowly I removed my clothes too...she was looking at me with hung she wants to touch ne but I didn't let her do that...i entered inside without any warning...she screamed in pain loudly..."say sorry for 100 times while kissing me no stopping oky " she said sorry and moved towards my lips but I didn't let her touch my lips..I gave her sexually slap..."kiss me bby and say sorry" by saying this goes more rough she was trying her best but failed everytime..."aww you wanted me na now you have have to bear " she was just trapped...she can't touch me because her hands were tied...she can't kiss me because I won't let her do it..she was just moaning And was yearning for me like a fish. " dear mam are you enjoying" I was just teasing her and she knows very well..."please just open my hands I am really sorry for that i wanted to support you but front of my father I couldn't do anything "she was about to cry..I kissed on her forehead.."I am aslo sorry" by saying this i opened my hands..she thought i am going stop  "hey Mr bodyguard you enjoyed and what about me han let me enjoy" I gave her a smirk...but she didn't know what happen with her now..i picked her lips but this time not softly..I bite her lips harshly...I made her lips swollen...her hand was in my bare back...I moved towards her first kissed her softly to make her loose in my self she was moaning my name sensually...then I started biting her neck..she hold my back tightly... making mark on there...she didn't realised that I am going to increase my speed and I also didn't told her... because it's going to fun my babe...I never thought about to torture any girl like this but I was loving this and she was too we both were enjoying and loving this sweet torture...I increased speed...she screamed in pain and hugged me more tightly..."ahh Dev wha...t doinghh ahh" I didn't listened her...I was going to rough every moment...her moans making me mad over her...

Whole night I continued my sweet torture...she didn't said anything me because she was also 3 am I stopped...I saw she was sleeping already...I didn't wanna disturb I slept in same position...

At morning

Siddhi pov

When I opened my eyes..we both are in the same position from night..I softly sucked is neck area..he softly opened his eyes..this bby is sleeping cutely now but at night my body was paining because of his sweet torture...but he was still inside is joke ?! I hitt on his arms "hey teddy bear get up " he woke up "what happened ?!" I pushed him hard making him lay on bed and he pulled me closer making me fall in his chest "do you wanna one more round?!" I make thinking face "I didn't wanna..... I'll love.."

The end

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