Operation: Eri, the secret Plan

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A few days later, Xicor went back to the Nighteye agency because Sir. Nighteye had a meeting with them and some other Proheroes

Sir. Nighteye: you all are probably wondering why i called this meeting, right? its because of this man

Nighteye then showed a picture of Overhaul on the screen behind him

A few days prior

Xicor: Sir nighteye, me and mirio found something that you might want to know

Sir nighteye: then go ahead, what is it?

Xicor: today on our patrol, there was this girl with bandages on her arm, she was with some dude with a crow mask and a suit, he also had some gloves

Sir Nighteye: ok...thank you for the report, I'll do some research


Sir Nighteye: His organization has been making drugs that erases quirks

The Pro hero 'Fatgum' then chimes in

Fatgum: I think my group encountered something like that before..

Sir Nighteye: go on..

Fatgum: at Red Riot's debut fight, I saw something similer..Tamaki got shot and the bullet contained the same drug that you described...and like you said, It destroys Quirks

The Heroes were shocked when they heard this

Xicor💭: a drug that completely destroys quirks!? Its almost like my quirk but instead of taking them..it destroying them!

Fatgum: thats not all, earlier we analyzed the bullet and it had human blood and cells..

Ryuko: in other words, that effect came from a person, from someone's power. A Quirk that can destroy other Quirks...

Sir Nighteye: their young head, Chisaki: quirk, Overhaul. A Quirk that alows him to completely break down matter, and a bullet that can break down quirks.
Chisaki has a daughter named Eri, there are no records or details about her birth, but when Mirio and Xicor encountered her
They noticed there were bandages wrapped around her arms and legs.

LockLock: We're wondering if this Chisaki bastard is turning his daughter's body into bullets..and selling them on the black market, woulda saved us a lot of trouble if those two amateurs had just gotten the girl away from him

Sir Nighteye: I assure you, nobody in this room is more frustrated then they are.

Xicor and Mirio then both stand up

Xicor: We'll get Eri away from Him next time

Xicor and Mirio: and we'll both protect her!!

Sir Nighteye: indeed, thats precisely what we've come her to discuss

A few days have passed since Xicor and Mirio learned the truth and the Proheroes that teamed up with Sir Nighteye had to pin point the location of the Shie Hassikai's young head and his daughter eri, until they could they were on standby...and they were not allowed to say anything about their work studies to anyone.
Meanwhile, Overhaul was meeting with All For One as they had to discuss somethings

All For One: Well, did it work?

Overhaul: that orb thing you cloned? Yes it did

All for One: Were you able to get in the building

Overhaul: yes i did

All for one: what did the pros say?

Overhaul: they are trying to find me and Eri's location, and they found out about the drugs

All For One: and what about the Xicor kid? Have you been keeping tabs on him

Overhaul: yes I have, When he's at school and when he's with his family and friends

All for one: good...

The orb on All for one's chest starts to glow and 3 dozen capsules appear in front of overhaul

All For One: Use them only when they are necessary, now good day

Later, All For One called all of the LOV to his base

(This theme starts playing)

Shigaraki: master, you needed us?

All For One: Tomura, I'm glad you and the leauge could make it

Dabi: Start talkin old man, what do you want

All For One: you all may be aware that I have gained this new power now, correct?

Shigaraki: Well yes master

All For One: and you are aware that with this new power, I can take over Japan at anymoment, right?

Shigaraki: yes

All For One: Well I am afriad I'm going to have to let you all go

Shigaraki: Wh-...WHAT?!

Dabi: You can't fire us old man, you need us in order to finish what you started

All For One: No I don't need you, with all of this power that I possess, I am The Strongest villain in the universe, Hell even the multiverse

Shigaraki: Master you're letting this power corrupt your mind! You have to stop!

All For One then teleports directly infront of Shigaraki

All For One: are you saying, that I should abandon this power, Tomura Shigaraki...

Shigaraki: Thats no-

All For One: this Orb...I have its memories...I know what it knows...I have Its power, And now you want to strip it from me

Dabi: Old Man you're going insane

All For One: You all are the one's that are going insane Dabi, or should I say....Touya Todoroki, Son of Endevor

Everyone then looks at Dabi

Dabi: What the f-

All For One: Now Kurogiri, get them out of my base

Kurogiri: All for one, I have to-

All For One then uses a Quirk that automatically makes Kurogiri's Quirk activate and all of the Leauge of Villains fall through it and they land in a forest

All For One: and you're free to join them

All for one then pushes Kurogiri into his own portal and the portal closes

To Be Continued

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