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(What she was wearing when she was found)


She felt hurt.

She felt betrayed.

She felt helpless.

She felt useless.

She loved him. Listened to him. Followed his orders like a dog. Didn't question him, even if there were some very questionable things that he did. She turned a blind eye to his cheating.

Gelda had his heart, Melascula had his attention and Valentina had the rest.

She did everything for him. Wanting him to love her and only her.

If she did something he liked he'd give her extra attention and like an abused puppy she'd latch on. It was pathetic really.

Love and attention. Something she's been after since she was a child.

If you can even, consider it love.

He had a hold over her.

One that was to be considered toxic, but she couldn't see it.

Not up until it was too late.

Valentina found herself on the wrong side of the fight due to circumstances.

Her mother, Drega a fairy, was not faithful to her husband and it led to her mother dying directly after giving birth to her.

Well, that's the story she was told.

Dying was her mother's punishment. Living was Valentina's.

She was raised by the man her mother married up until the age of five.

She was kicked out. Beaten. Mocked. Branded as a bastard. A child of sin. A half bread.

She was robbed of ever having a normal childhood. All because her mother was sleeping around.

She never knew her real father, so she didn't have anyone.

She carried an intense hatred for everyone that hurt her. For everyone that claimed to be from the light.

If they were from the light, then they would have treated her with care. They wouldn't have punished her for her mother's crimes. They wouldn't have made her feel like an outsider within her own home.

So as soon as the war started, she knew which side to pick.

It wasn't hard. Why would she fight for the side that has done nothing but make her miserable?

She fought by the demon's side and met the Demon prince, Zeldris.

They got on well and a romantic relationship ensued very fast.

Not very romantic if you asked anyone who wasn't involved.

If you asked them, they would tell you that the relationship was bordering on Toxic. Not toxic but close to it.

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