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As soon as Sanzu finished giving the indication everyone dispersed into their respective teams. The first to enter were Sanzu and Ran, who went to the top floor of the building and were followed by the Kawata who went to the next floor and so they continued in that order. They continued up the stairs and along the way they began to meet several men belonging to the other gang, which Sanzu and Ran took over the task of clearing the stairs.

Arriving at the fourth floor was where both teams stopped at the request of the senior Haitani. ─ I know how strong you are even if I hate to admit it, so I'll see you safely downstairs, OK? If you find my little brother first, I'll take care of them too~ ─ Souya nodded, while Nahoya waved her hand dismissively. At once Sanzu and the rest set off for the last level, while the Kawata stayed on the second to last.

One of Nahoya's hands went straight to rest on the younger man's shoulder, and with a smile on her face she spoke. ─ Whatever happens, I'm going to take care of you, okay? I'll keep you safe. ─ Were the boy's words, as Souya nodded in sorrow at such trouble from Nahoya.

─ I won't be a burden brother, I'll be useful. ─ Souya replied as he nodded his head.

With nothing more to say to each other they entered the level, being backed up by Sanzu's men. Nahoya took advantage of the fact that no one was around to enlist, cracking his knuckles and stretching his back to warm up. They continued walking around examining the rest of the level and, as expected, people from the other side began to emerge, with various weapons both simple weapons and sticks and rods as well as others carrying weapons.

The men with weapons were confronted by Sanzu's team, who were armed, while the Kawata, faced with the crossfire, decided to hide behind the columns of the half-built building. Columns of the half-constructed building, while they engaged in bare-knuckle fighting against the other men with weapons that were, if you could call them that, not "lethal".

Nahoya was in charge of covering Souya's back, and Souya was in charge of covering Nahoya's back. Compared to both twins, the men were visibly stronger than both of them, and it was much more noticeable as far as fatigue was concerned. That fatigue would take its toll on them and the first was when Souya slipped up for a moment and got hit with a stick to the side of the body, causing him to fall with it and a groan to be heard from him.

─ YOU SON OF A BITCH, LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE! ─ exclaimed Nahoya, who without hesitation went to the man responsible and kicked him in the leg, causing him to fall and finishing him off with a punch to the back of the man's head.

With haste Nahoya went to her brother, who she carefully lifted up while holding his side. ─ Sorry Smiley, sorry for being so weak. ─ Souya commented as Nahoya shook his head.

─ Of course not Angry, you're a thousand times stronger than me but I have to admit that if I don't get some help then I won't be able to... ─ He didn't finish that sentence when a kick crossed his sight and hit him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him as a result and knocking him off his feet.

Souya was stunned with the event of a while ago, staring blankly at the blow he was about to deliver from behind, but, like a miracle Hakkai arrived and stopped it. ─ Fucking shit! ─ he exclaimed aloud, aiming his blow at his opponent's crotch.

─ Souya, go see Nahoya, Mitsuya will be here in a second! ─ the boy shouted as he stopped several others. Souya nodded and ran over to Nahoya who he held carefully as he let out a whimper.

─ Agh, I really felt like I was going to heaven Souya, damn it hurts like hell. ─ Souya frowned at his brother's bad joke, giving a little smack on the other's head.

─ Don't say such silly things Smiley, we're not for jokes! ─ Soon more of Sanzu's men were present, led by Mitsuya, who ran over to Souya to see what was going on. He stood in front of Nahoya and held out a hand.

─ Come on Smiley, don't tell me a scratch that small will take you out of combat. ─ He gave her a half smile, to which Nahoya eagerly took his hand to get up. ─ Of course not, we're just getting warmed up~. ─

Seeing him standing up, Souya became calmer. Mitsuya called out to him for a moment, approaching to speak. ─ Go find Rindō on the rest of the floor, we'll stop these pigs. Hakkai! ─ Mitsuya finally shouted to the boy, who immediately ran towards them. ─ Go with Souya, I know it's a terrible combination but it's better if you two go and I'll support Smiley. ─

They both nodded and so it was that they slipped into the middle of the squabbling. Thanks to the fact that they had twice as many men in the place, it was easier for them to go unnoticed. Souya and Hakkai looked around the different rooms on the floor until, at the end of the corridor, they found someone tied to a chair. They approached him carefully, he looked beaten all over and his hair was falling over his face, disheveled. Souya recognised him immediately: it was Rindō.

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