Chapter 1

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Yep, another Jb fanfiction thingy. :) Read please!

Chapter One

Justin's POV

My eyes drifted towards the sea of people in New York, they were always my biggest turnouts, well, because the most tickets were sold here. My palms sweat as I clung onto the microphone, smiling at all the girls, my fans, my 'beliebers' you may call them. They screamed for me, I have no clue as to why but they do, as they jump and sing together with me.

"See ya everyone!" I wave to their sad faces, trying to smile though I am completely worn out, and walk backstage, to my mom, manager, and everyone else. They all clap, my mom smiles warmly and puts her arms around me, embracing me tightly.

"You were great," my mother says, and hugs me again, this time a little lighter. I squeeze her back as the sweat drips off of my face, and we pull away, so I can go take a shower. As I go towards the bathroom showers people high five me and congratulate me, this was the last show of my third tour, and I am proud of myself, too.

Taking off my clothes, I realize that I love my fans, friends, family, and my life, it's hard work, but I love it. I jump into the shower, the cool water running on me as I wash off, getting clean. After I am done I jump out and dry myself off, afterwards putting on white t-shirt and basketball shorts, with some purple supras.

Flipping my hair and blow drying it, a knock sounds off my door. "Justin?" it was my mom. The door swings open as I just finish my hair, shaking it one last time to get it in the right place, my mom stands in the doorway, "C'mon, time to go," she orders, waving her hand for me to come over to her.

Groaning, I follow her out to the tour bus, carrying my stuff and hearing the distant screams of my girls. Slightly I smile, hanging my head down and chuckle, they are amazing, I think. Stuffing my bag in the tour bus's compartment, everybody gets in the right bus. Me, Scooter, my mom, and my friends, Ryan and Chaz, plus Kenny, all are in one. The bus is huge, I love it though, it's like a mini house.

"Brilliant, man," Ryan laughs, giving me a high five, "you know, maybe I could get a date with one of your fans?" I gave him a strange look, like a what-the-hell-are-you-thinking look, trust me, if one of my fans dated him, something bad would happen. "Yeah, yeah I know, never gonna happen.." He shrugged and the next thing I know Chaz is on my head.

"You did good, man, you did good!" he yells, and ruffles my hair up, he knows I hate that. I struggle getting him off, but I finally do.

"Chaz!" I yell, but laugh. I fixed my hair, checking in the mirror for any unperfect hairs, so what? I am crazy about my hair, but the girls are too. My mom walks into the room and just shakes her head, giggling. I walk over to her, and smile, hugging her. Yes, I am a momma's boy, I even have a song about it.

"Hello mommy," I smile and kiss her cheek, hugging her, she hugs back and smiles. The bus starts and we're on our way.

"Justin," she begins, "what do you want?" She gives me a suspicious look, I roll my eyes. Can't boys just love their moms?

"Nothing, hey, what are we having for dinner?" I ask, I was starving, I had been doing a concert as you know, so that fed off tons of energy.

"McDonalds? I don't wanna cook," she said, I nodded energetically, Mickey D's was the bomb. She went to talk with the bus driver we hired for our first and second tour, while me, Chaz, and Ryan sat on the couch. I propped my foot up on the coffee table, and picked up my phone, getting on twitter. "We'll stop as soon as we see a McDonalds."

My mom went to her room after she said that, as I continued to retweet tons of fans. I tweeted a couple of times and looked over at Ryan and Chaz. Chaz was looking through a magazine, and Ryan was on his Macbook, surfing the web I supposed.

Scooter came out of his room with Kenny and they sat across from us on the red, leather couch. I waved a little and went back to tweeting, laughing at some of the tweets that popped up rapidly on my timeline. Suddenly the bus screeched to a stop, and hissed, we were there. Kenny went out and went inside to get the food while we sat in the parking lot, waiting on the food.

"Did Kenny leave?" my mom asked as she came back out of her room, we all nodded and she sat by Scooter, where Kenny sat.

"Hey, are we going to Canada soon?" I asked, I was hoping we would, I needed a break, I was dead tired. I missed my siblings, grandparents, and my dad, I couldn't wait to see them again. After all I had only seen my baby brother a couple of times, and he's almost two!

"Yes, we'll stay with grandma and grandpa," my mom explained. My heart burst into a firework, I was ecstatic. I tweeted about good news and other stuff like that, some random Chuck Norris moments, and finally logged out just about the time Kenny entered with the food.

I smelled the fries, the hamburgers, and the chicken. I licked my lips, I was so hungry, and ran to my food. As I got the food out of the bag I ate fries, stuffing them in my mouth. By the time I ate almost all my fries I heard silence, everyone was staring at me.

"Dude, chill," Chaz said, a smirk painted on his face. I rolled my eyes and grinned, continuing to eat my fries as other people got their food out too.

Melody's POV

My eyes darted around my room for the last time, stroking the bare walls with my small, gentle hand. A tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it away. This would be the last of the room I saw, and I couldn't bear it. I had a perfect view of the beach, seagulls squawking, children laughing, the whole deal, but I had to leave it all. Yes, we were moving, I have no clue as to where because I just heard the words, "We're moving," in last night's conversation.

"Mel! Come down, we gotta go!" my mother shouted, I sighed, and turned to walk down the stairs, and looked at my room one last time. Still bare, I thought, and turned away from it, trotting outside the door and into the car.

We drove a long while, me blarring my iPod, my dad driving, and my mom looking at the map telling him where to go, navigating, I suppose. I stared out the window, we were driving until we got to the Atlanta Airport, not so far away, but a ways. My music still rang in my ears, but I didn't care, I was leaving Florida, I didn't like it one bit.

After a couple hours we arrived to Atlanta and finally entered the airplane. It was really early in the morning when we began our journey, about six, but now it was almost lunch. We buckled ourselves in and we floated off in the air, right by the clouds, it was amazing. I was amazed at the sight, I always liked photography and things so this was pretty cool.

I'v never rode in an airplane before, but I wasn't scared, I knew that they were safer than cars, and even if something did go wrong, maybe I'd die and get away from wherever we were going. I hoped we would have a beach there, if we didn't I would die, hating that fact. Also, I hated the cold, hopefully it'd be ok.

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