27 Minutes

156 1 0

Wattpad under YorkshirePerrie
Words: ≈67,000

Smut: I think so but I honestly don't remember
Synopsis: Everything has finally become too much for Louis to handle. The lies, fake relationships and fake smiles.
The fans were right. They had always been right. Louis loves Harry but isn't allowed to have him. He's had enough and no longer wants to live this fake life.
"You were right... All of you have always been right. Every look, every subtle touch... You were right."
As he signs onto a live video chat for the last time and tells the world what they already knew, will it be enough to make Harry realize the true meaning behind Louis' words?
"So in the next... 27 minutes I want to tell you the truth. Every last bit of it... But 27 minutes is all the time left before I say goodbye."

My rating: 5/10
My opinion: This fic was depressing as heck, but it was beautifully written. There were a few times I almost dropped the book because of how triggering it was, but it does have a happy ending and I'm glad I finished it. I did think that Niam seemed a bit forced into the story and Eleanor's character pissed me off, too, though I know it was for the plot. It's still a really beautiful story and I ended up enjoying it for the most part. If you enjoy these kinds of stories, it really is a beautiful book, but I don't recommend if you're easily triggered.

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