cabin blues .²

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"Why are you in my room?" Chresanto barged in anger in his eyes. Jacob quickly stood up. "This is... your mom... I-"


Jacob stared at him before going to the dressers and taking his things out and stuffing them back into his dresser messily. Jacob felt his eyes watering. He wasn't going to cry in front of Chresanto. He knew Chresanto was just taking out his anger on him and he deserved it.

"And if you thought your wardrobe change would affect me, you were wrong. You look absolutely appalling." Chresanto snarled slamming the door shut.

Jacob allowed on tear to fall as he stood in the hallway.

"This won't determine your week."

Jacob wiped his face as he rolled his suitcase down the hall to another empty room.


Chresanto ignored Jacob the rest of the day even through dinner. That somehow hurt worse than when he was yelling at him earlier.

"Chresanto." Jacob said softly wanting to get his attention.

Mrs. August pinched him under the table and Chresanto looked at Jacob with cold hard eyes. "Can you...uh, nevermind."

Chresanto scoffed and got up from the table and cooly walked out of the dining area.

Jacob closed his eyes and looked down with a tired sigh. He shouldn't have come.


Jacob laid on his bed laughing at family fued on the television.

There was on knock on Jacob's door.

"Come in."

Once Chresanto walked into the room Jacob sat up straighter.

"Can you turn the fucking TV down? I'm trying to go to sleep and you're blasting the tv. You're such a fucking dumb ass. It's common courtesy."

Jacob nodded as he grabbed the remote and just turned the TV off. "Thank you." Chresanto slammed the door on his exit making Jacob jump.


"Oh, there's no more breakfast." Chresanto shrugged as he put the last pieces of bacon onto his plate. Jacob just looked around the kitchen seeing nothing but empty pans and plates. When Jacob left the kitchen to see everyone else eating together, Mr. August having arrived late last night, he looked at Chresanto who smirked at him as he ate a piece of bacon. Jacob ignored his grumbling stomach and started back to his room. "Young man, why don't you sit and eat with us?" Mr August asked him.

Jacob looked at Chresanto who gave him a warning look. "I-I wasn't hungry."

Jacob sighs as he goes back to his room.


"You can't ride with me." Chresanto says monotonously as he walks to his car. "Mrs. August said-"

"You can't ride with me. If you want to go, go in their car." Chresanto shrugs.

"Okay." Jacob walks over to the August's car. "Jacob aren't you going to ride with Chresanto?" Mrs. August asks. "I, uh, wanted to get to know, Mr. August a little better."

"Oh, fine then." and then they were off to the park.

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