Chapter 5

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(ThIs TaKes PlaCe A wEeK aFtEr MarK aNd CesAr'S pLaYDaTe LoL)

It was still as rainy as the other days, except somehow worse. The clouds somehow got darker, and the rain poured down harder. Mark got up out if bed, and looked at his nightstand. There was a note. Mark picked it up, and read it while rubbing his eyes.

Good morning sweetie! Unfortunately your sister and I had to go do important business in Bythrone, and your father is at work until 12:00 tonight. Please make yourself comfortable today. Me and Sarah might not be back until next week. Please stay safe, and if you're hungry, feel free to get anything from the fridge or order some food. Call dad if anything happens. And I apologize that we couldn't bring you. But momma loves you! And have a great week! XOXO -Mom 🤍

Mark sat in disbelief. Alone by myself for the entire day? Mom knows I hate being by myself. And they won't be back until.. He looked back at the note. Next week!? He sighed.

"At least I get alone time." He said out loud. He got out of bed and walked downstairs. The house really was empty. He looked out the blinds that were slightly opened. It was raining even harder.

"Hmm.. let's check the weather for today." Mark grabbed the remote on the couch and switched through the channels. He flipped on the news channel just on time when they came back on air.

"And here is another report of this week.. 18 fatalities from this week itself. Stay safe everyone."

Mark sat silent.

"Damn. Just show me the weather." Mark got up and threw the remote on the couch while he walked into the kitchen. He started to make himself some breakfast while listening to the news. He overheard the weather forecast. Dang it. Raining until midnight. Looks like dad's drive will be delayed. Mark already knew how his father was on the road. He always drove slowly, because rain like this always adding a light layer of fog, but his dad couldn't risk anything. (Nothing is worth the risk :0)  Mark sat on the couch and ate breakfast while watching some old cartoon he flipped on. 

The day was going by quick. But he was scared the entire time. He didn't like being alone. In fact he hated being alone. He went on multiple walks to waste some time and see some people. He just wanted to be near someone. Anyone.
But then struck 9:00. 9:00 is when it all started.

*Riinngggg..... Riinngggg....Riinngggg...*

Mark reached over and picked up his phone and immediately answered just because it would be the first time he talked to anyone other than himself today.

"..Hey, it's Cesar. I hope it's not too late.." Mark sighed in relief. But he heard something wrong in Cesar's tone. Like he was worried.

"No it's fine! What's up, are you alright?" Mark asked in genuine concern.

"Yeah.. it's not me. It's my mom."
Mark was shocked. He remembered seeing her breathing hard on the couch, before he left. He should have said something to Cesar. But then again, Mark had no idea what was wrong with her. Or what was even going on yet. It might not even be a breathing problem.
"She's knocked out cold and I have no idea why. I'm on my way to the ER, but could you do me a favor?"Cesar asked.

"Yea, of course! What is it?"

"Uh. I just need you to come over and turn on the cameras we have set up. You know.. the ones we installed after we were robbed?"

"Oh yeah.. would you mind if I asked why?"
Mark generally forgot about the cameras and did not the idea of going over to Cesar's house at this late of night. But then again, anything for a friend.. right..?

"Well.. she screamed really loud right before I found her on the ground. I- i just.." Cesar stuttered. Probably trying to get a grasp on the situation. Mark realized Cesar was pretty calm about this whole issue. But that was kinda just how he was. He didn't seem to panic about much.

"Well, do you have your doors and windows locked? Like what the broadcast told us to do?" Mark was halfway in between wanting to help, so he asked if his doors and windows were locked so he could get in and do what he asked. And the other half of him was trying to distance itself from going over there. Mark already knew how much he disliked Cesar's house, but he was willing to help.. partly.

"Yeah.. that's the weird part. I don't know if she saw something..? I don't- I don't know." Cesar stuttered again. Maybe he was panicking?

"Alright, I mean.. it shouldn't be too bad. I'm just gonna switched them on and get out of there though. You know how I feel about your house."

"Yeah, that's fine. One last thing. Try to get a good view of th-" The phone cut in and out. Mark could barely hear what Cesar said. But it did manage to creep Mark out.

"Okay.." Mark didn't hear what Cesar said at all, but tried to play it off.

"Alright, I gotta go i'm almost at the hospital. Thank you." And just like that, he hung up.

"I guess I have plans after all." Mark said as he stood up from the couch. Will anyone be over there? Mark slid on some sandals. Or as Cesar called them, chanclas. (HISPANIC CESAR COME ON YALL)  Mark grabbed his car keys off the counter and started out the door. He looked at the clock. Only 9:08. Dad will hopefully be back at 12.

"Goodbye house. I'll see you later." Mark closed the door behind him and slipped into the car. He started the engine. He kept talking to himself.

"Go to the house, switch on the cameras, and get out. Go to the house, switch on the cameras, and get out. Go to the house, switch on the cameras, and get out." 

He reminded himself repeatedly the entire time he drove over there. Finally he pulled up to the house. He left the car on, then immediately got out the car and ran up on the deck. He tried to open the door. It was locked.

"Oh great. How am I gonna get in Ces-" He looked at the window.
"That doesn't look locked to me.."
He tried opening the window. It opened slowly. Such an old house. Mark crawled through the window, and quickly ran upstairs. The cameras we spread around the house, Mark had to flip them on manually. They were blended in with the walls, but Mark knew where all the cameras were so he had no issue finding them. 1..2..and camera 3. There we go. Now time to get out this damn house. He was in the house for a good 10 minutes. Doing an extra favor for Cesar and making sure nobody was in the house. Mark rushed back out the window and got back in the car. He hoped no one saw him go in through the window and called the police on him or something. He also hoped that no one saw him and would copy him. Mark shook his head and pulled out the drive way, and started back home. He peeked at the window and saw a shadowy figure appear for a split second.

"...What.. What was that..?" Mark slowed the car and stuck his head out the window. No one was on the road, so it was fine. Nothing. It must have just been in my head. There is nothing. Mark drove faster.

"Just get home and you'll be fine."
Mark kept his eyes focused on the road and avoided looking into the mirror.

Mark finally got home. He rushed out the car and into the house. He locked the door behind him, and rested against the door. He put his head back and took a deep breath. He started praying silently. Dear heavenly father. Thank you for letting me get home safely tonight. I pray for Cesar and his mother's safety tonight. Please let my father return home safe and uninj-

Mark jumped and looked around. The lights were dimming. "HE- HEY! WHO'S THERE?" Mark stumbled around the now darkened room, and found the stairs that went up. He heard some weird gurgling noise from the other side of the room, which got louder by second. Mark ran upstairs and into his room, slammed the door shut, then locked the door. He pushed his dresser in front of the door as well, and he backed up against the wall on the opposite side of the door.
"G-go away! What do you want!?" There was no reply. Whoever or.. whatever was on the other side just banged on the door. Mark started to panic. WHAT IS THAT? HOW DID IT GET IN? HOW WILL MY DAD GET BACK WITH THIS THING OUT HERE? WHAT ARE MOM AND SARAH GONNA DO!? Then came the tears. Mark didn't know what to do at all. He curled himself up in the corner. Praying that whatever was on the other side went away sometime soon.

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