IX - These Faded Connections

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Not wanting to upset Reynold anymore than he had, Lord Victor suggested they head out to the city right away. It was true he enjoyed his guest's writings an awful lot, but seeing how crushed merely speaking of his past with Christopher rendered him, Victor thought it best to leave those times where they belonged: in the past.

Still, the blond Lord could not help recalling the account passed down to him. Already feeling an attachment to Reynold, even just as two men who were in the beginning stages of forming their own friendship, to imagine there was someone out there who'd hurt this man who walked beside him – it perturbed Victor. He believed Reynold did not deserve to be treated as he had, and he hoped their connection to one another could perhaps heal Reynold from the heart afflictions administered by his younger years.

After they'd made it back to the manor, the footman Gabriel was ordered to request that a coach be prepared for the pair. As that was being handled, Lord Victor ventured upstairs with Todd while Reynold remained downstairs in the foyer of the manor.

Waiting alone, he closed his hands behind his back and watched Victor disappear upstairs with the servant.

He'd calmed after the full airing of his sentiment brought on by the recollections of how Christopher affected his life back then. It'd been so very long since he'd cried like that and for such a reason. He'd cried lots after the discovery of his brother's passing, but that was to be expected after losing such a close member of his family. To shed tears over someone like Christopher; however, it undoubtedly made Reynold feel weak, like an utter fool for displaying that side of himself to Lord Victor. He wondered, after the showing of his tears, if the blond Lord received the impression that he was still caught in a web of feelings for his former lover.

Only able to hope Victor did not assume such, Reynold stood alone for sometime, and the longer he remained with his thoughts the more he found himself caught up in his own mind.

What are you doing, Christopher?

He wondered the question to himself. The only thing he knew about the man now, was that he worked for a publishing branch in the city, and that was how he had such successful and close ties with the Roose Mingle Magazine. Other than that, Reynold didn't know anything about his past lover. Was he involved with someone else?

What with his 'Reynold Wright' writings, it was safe to say he was still bitter at the very least.

After several minutes of waiting, the Lord was assisted back downstairs, dressed now in an outfit that was certainly brighter than the last. His evening blue trousers sat higher on his waist and complimented his long, trim legs. The brown and gold buckled shoes upon his feet were polished and unscuffed, his belt not too tight since his hip still ached a little. The white shirt he adorned was buttoned to the neck, the sleeves were ruffled, and the chest was puffy as it protruded from his goldish-yellow and blue vest. With his hair long and brushed out now, it sat prettily down his shoulders and back, but his features were also shaded beneath a brimmed brown hat that Reynold was used to seeing on women. There was a scarf tied into a proper bow around the top, and two white and blue feathers were sticking out of it. The Lord looked mighty fine and surely presentable enough if the moment came where he'd have to introduce himself.

That last bit, Lord Victor anticipated. If he were to meet any of the esteemed that called Banemount home, he wanted to make a decent and positive impression. "How do I look?" Victor questioned, tipping his hat with a grin, "I have not worn this in a year! Since I became bound to my chair and home when in Childermass, I have not had reason to dress as such. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost quite a bit of weight, so the coat looks a bit big on me."

"You look nice," Reynold complimented, "The colors suit you."

"Thank you," Victor blushed, but he turned before it could be noticed. "Shall we, then?"

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