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The wind blows my hair

Making my insides freeze

The leaves blow around

Swirling in the breeze

My heart breaks at the sound of leaves crunching

That was always your favorite

The crisp autumn air filling my nostrils

Reminding me of you

I can't believe you're gone

Every piece of me is missing you tonight

I remember it now

The way your eyes use to light up at the mention of the one

How you would smile when you heard her name

She was the girl who won

Your heart that is

Because really she didn't win anything

Except the fact she gets to see your face everyday

While I sit alone in my room

And remember the times we use to have

If you could only know the way I used to think about you

The way you crossed my mind

And how I thought about your smile every night

When you talked about the things you love

And your eyes would light up

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