remember me?

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I wake up in a very bright room that has a sanitary smell to it. I hear the faint sound of a heart monitor. As my eyes begin to adjust to the light I notice the pounding in my head. I go to bend my left hand and notice an IV, I ignore it for now and use my other hand to rub my forehead begging the headache to go away. Then I release what has happened and the beeping of the monitor grows faster as I begin to freak. I rip the IV out and try sitting up but feel a huge pain in my shoulder. I try again ignoring the pain this time and sit up. By the time I swing my legs out of the blankets to get up the door opens. The main guy that broke into my house walks in and I freeze glaring at him. He pauses before slowly walking towards me.

"What do you want with me!" I demand. He seems shocked by my tone as he stops about a foot away from me.

"How do you feel?" He says ignoring my question as he returns my stare and our eyes connect. It's weird I feel as if he's looking straight though me. "My names Kale."

"What do you care, Kale?" I question over extending his name sarcastically. "You didn't seem to be to worried about how I felt when Ya shot me." He looks as if he's deep in thought as if he wasn't expecting that question.

"I'm sorry, I do as I'm told. I suggest you do the same it will save everyone some trouble. Now answer my question, how do you feel. Use as much detail as you can it will help you in the long run." He calmly states. I sigh in defeat for now.

"My heads throbbing and my shoulder hurts when I move." I say as I slightly move away from him not braking eye contact.

"That's all to be expected but you recovery speed is remarkable. Is there anything else, pain, numbness? Are you Hungry?" He asks as he checks all the monitors and picks my IV up off the floor.

I shake my head no in response to his questions. I am hungry just not hungry enough I would accept food from my kidnappers.

"Well alrighty then I get you don't want to stay in hear anymore do you? You think your well enough for I'm going to have to put you next?" He asks and it's like he thinks he knows me.

"Of course I wanna leave this room and this place, I want to go home!" That other question puts me on edge. Am I well enough to for where he's going to put me next. It's like he expects me to remember or know where he's talking about. Not only that but am I well enough? Even if I'm not I don't like this room it has no color and everything is to bright. He turns his head to the side a bit, like he's studying me.

"Oh yes I see. You want to leave this room indeed but I can not take you home." he says seeming almost sympathetic. "I'm Sorry to disappoint you." I try to not change my expression as to prevent him from reading me. I can't tell if he noticed my lack of emotion to his words, guess he doesn't care.

"Whatever. Just get me out of this hospital room." I tell him keeping determination in voice, not planning on taking no as an answer. I've always found hospitals creepy even as a child, but ever since the car crash it makes my nightmare more realistic then when at home. He sighs in disappointment obviously not happy with my choice.

"Well if you insist." He turns and grabs something, when he turns back he throws what he grabbed onto the bed next to me. I slightly jump startled and it sends pain through my left shoulder and the pain is clearly seen on my face. Its cloths, shirt and a pair or blue jeans. "Quickly get changed and I'll take you to the storing chamber." he said walking out before I could even respond, and I don't like the sound of being put in a storing chamber. I'm cautiously move off the bed as to prevent my shoulder from hurting anymore than it already does. I quickly get dressed and before I do anything else I stink to floor with my head and my knees, having a slight panic attack.
    "Are you doing okay?" He shouts from outside the door.
     "Yeah fine." I quickly say is I get up. I start walking towards the door and reach out for the handle but before I can grab it, the door opens. I see him standing there staring at me, as if he's surprised to see me.
     "Alright good, if you're ready let's go. I'll show you around a bit before I take you to the storing chamber. If that's okay with you of course." He says sounding nervous, quite different then he sounded before he sounds almost too shy. I quietly non-my head As I follow him down the hallway. It seems to be a very big building like a lab full of scientists or even doctors. It reeks of a smell, the smell chemicals, and it's full of large clear glass windows in long hallways.
     "What is this place? It's super creepy. What am I doing here?" I stop, realizing I'm talking way too much and way too fast. I look at the ground self-consciously not wanting to make eye contact. He chuckles low and soft as if he's was an old friend and he's releasing I haven't changed a bit, since the last time we'd seen each other or what not. I'm not going to lie, I feel as if he really is an old friend but I know that to be impossible. Then he stops as if he has just realized the questions I have asked.
     "I'm sorry I'm not allowed to answer those questions, but I can promise they'll all be Answered in do time." He says with a kind face.
    "Time?" I question harshly. "Does it look like I have time? Do I look like I can just sit and wait? I don't want to be here. I want to go home!" I say home slow and sadly as I think of my family. I fight back tears only to loss, being to sob. He sighs.
   "But, don't your remember? This was your home?" He says sadly
   "Kale!" Some one angrily yells.

~Sorry, I've a little slow writing it because of workBut I hope you like this chapter vote and comment please.

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