Backstory: High School

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Let's start from the beginning in high school. Eva was just an ordinary girl that wanted to get out of her small town in Los Angeles. She has always dreamed of something bigger and better. That came from her travels every summer and winter break with her family all around the world, from the beautiful beaches in Thailand to the architecture in Rome.

She was into a lot of different hobbies like tennis, violin, and most importantly keeping up to date with Formula One. After watching one race, she knew that her future was in formula one, not as a driver but as someone behind the scenes. She has told her best friends Charlotte and Amelia that her dream was to work in formula one, but they just brushed it off.

"You can't be serious about working for formula one" Charlotte said.

" is a male dominant sport it is hard for us women to be able to get a job in any area" Amelia chimed in.

After hearing that coming from her friends that she has known since they were in diapers, really crushed Eva and her dreams. It seemed like a far away goal that can only happen in her dreams. But dreams can turn into reality. She wanted to prove to them and everyone else that she can make it in the racing world.

As high school came to an end, she got accepted to a school far away from home. University of Arizona. The reason why she decided on this school is because they offered her a full ride and she couldn't turn that down. This was the start of a crazy adventure and she was excited to meet new people and experience things that she has never done in her small town. Although she has to leave her friends and her family behind, she knew that this was the next step in her life. 

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