College: Part 2

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Then the guy Natasha met, Nate, came back and started dancing with Natasha. Eva felt like she was third wheeling so she decided to get some fresh air and process everything that has happened tonight.

As she was walking outside, she bumped into a guy carrying a keg.

"I am so sorry, are you okay? Do you need some ice?" this random guy said.

"Uh-I think I will be fine" as she stumbles a little.

He puts the keg down and says "Shoot okay, stay right here and I will get you some ice. Don't move!"

Eva's head was hurting so much that she was just sat on the porch. The keg guy came back with a big pack of ice that could be used to build an ice sculpture.

As she was about to grab it from him he said, "Here let me help you with that since I was the one that caused that bump on your head"

"There is a bump on my head?? Oh my gosh I've only been here for less than 24 hours and I am already injured"

"I am just messing with ya. Don't worry nurses back in elementary school used iced to cure everything and this will do to job"

"Well thank you keg guy"

"Keg guy?" he laughed. "My name is Ethan but I guess keg guy works too. What's your name?"

"Nice to meet you Ethan. I'm Eva. Is this how you get girls? Just hit them with a keg?"

Ethan laughed. " You're funny. Yes I just carry a keg into parties and bump into cute girls with it"

Eva and Ethan were talking and laughing all night about anything and everything. She found out that he is from San Francisco and that he was apart from the frat that was hosting the party.

"Wow I can't believe it is 1 am and the party's still going" Eva said.

"You must not go to parties often huh? Parties usually go all night usually" Ethan said with a laugh.

"This is actually my first party and I had a lot of fun. I think I should find my roommate and get going though, gotta get ready for the first day of school"

As Ethan was about to say something, Natasha came out with Nate. "Evaaaa where have you been all night? Have you met Nate?"

All Eva could do was just laugh. "Well me and Nate are going to his dorm! Don't wait up...byeeee!!" Natasha said.

"Wait! I don't have my keys!" Eva said. Natasha tosses their dorm keys and got carried away by Nate.

'It looks like I will be walking home alone now. It was nice to meet you Ethan. I will see you around?" Eva said.

"Well the night is still young, want me to walk you back to the dorms?" Ethan offered.

"Oh no it's okay, you enjoy the party. I kept you away from all the fun tonight."

"I'm not taking no for an answer, let's go!"

The walk home was filled with laughter that was as loud as the music that was blaring at the party.

"Thank you for walking me home again"

"It is no problem. Can't let a girl walk home alone in the middle of the night"

They both stood there awkwardly for a moment. Eva for some reason blurted out "do you want to come inside?"

"Yeah sure, but I usually don't put out the first time I meet a girl'

"Oh no-no-no that is not what I meant. I-"

"You are so gullible! I can stay for a bit"

They spent the rest of the night just talking more and more. There was a connection that Eva has never felt with anyone but this was also the first time she talked to a guy for this long. She was comfortable talking to this guy she met a few hours ago about everything.

When her alarm went off at 8am for class, she panicked because she did not want to be late for her first day of classes in college. What scared her even more was waking up with Ethan wrapped around her waist.

"Good morning," Ethan said with his morning voice.

"Good morning, sorry but I have to get ready for class"

"Wow kicking me out and making me do the walk of shame?"

"Yes, so everyone can see you in your hawaiian shirt and messy hair"

As they said their goodbyes, he asked her out and gave her his number. Going to class she couldn't even focus because all she thought about was her date and the night she had with Ethan.

When she got back to the dorm, Natasha came running to her apologizing for leaving Eva alone at a party. They both spent an hour just talking about how much fun they both had last night and were both going on dates with the guys they have met. 

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