College: Part 1

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Moving to a new city was a shock. Her parents were not able to move her into her dorm but she did not care because she just wanted to get far away, as soon as possible.

After getting off her flight, it finally hit her that she is far from home and does not know anyone here. As she was moving in, she met a new friend that lives 5 feet away from her.

"Hi you must be Eva! My name is Nastasha and I am from Seattle, studying journalism. What about you?"

"H-Hi nice to meet you Nastasha. I am from a small town in Los Angeles and I am studying business marketing" Eva shyly said.

"Oh my gosh!! I've always wanted to visit Los Angeles. You must've met a lot of celebrities on the streets." Natasha excitedly said.

"No-No I think the most famous person I have met was someone's bodyguard. It it definitely a fun place to visit"

"Well now that we are friends we can go together during break!!"

Eva was shocked at how excited and energetic Natasha was and this was a breath of fresh air from the people she knew back home. It was definitely different, but it is something she is excited to explore. As the day went by unpacking the two luggages she brought with her, Nastasha got a text.

"So this guy I met during orientation is rushing a frat and invited me to a party. We are going!!"

Eva hesitated because she has never been to a party, let alone drink or anything. She didn't want to be a debbie downer and said yes.

While getting ready Natasha asked questions about Eva and her life.

"I know it is too soon to know what you want to do after college, since we literally just moved into the dorms. But do you have any idea of what career path you want to go into?" Natasha asked.

"I have always dreamed of working in Formula one, not exactly sure in what field but right now I am thinking of something on the creative side" Eva said.

"Wait wait, no way I love formula one! My dad used to take me to the races that are in the US. That is why I want to go into journalism so I can interview the drivers. The plus side is that they are cute" Natasha openly admitted.

Eva was shocked that Natasha has the same passion as her because not a lot of people knew or watched formula one races. After getting ready, they walked over to greek life and heard the music blasting that can be heard from a mile away. As they walked in, all you can here is the music, crazy lights, and everyone dancing with a drink in there hand.

"I see the guy I was talking to..I am gonna go over and get us some drinks!" Natasha shouted.

And before Eva could stop her, Natasha disappeared in the sea of people. She was panicking a little because she did not know anyone here and did not know what to do. Everyone was drunk and she was as sober as one can be standing out like a sore thumb.

Luckily, Natasha came back, handing you a drink.

"What is this??" Eva shouted through the loud music.

"It is called jungle juice! It has a little bit of everything and it will get you drunk"

Eva hesitated but she drank it anyway. It was gross. After a few cups, Eva was drunk dancing the night away with her friend. 

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