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Trigger warning ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

Jinsoo's POV:

It's D-Day. Today my appas would be coming here to live in my flat for the upcoming project and Byeol was so excited about it all that she can't keep her feet to the ground at all. I sighed looking at her breaking the 20th glass today in her excitement

"Argh come on Byeol be careful now. A woman in her 30's acting like a 4 year old doesn't seem right in any sense." I said

She turned towards me wide eyed "Oppa don't talk about my age. I am young enough to make teenagers jealous." She said throwing flipping her hair back.Her hair is just like noona long brown wavy." I am damn excited to meet my appas. Can't wait to see them right infront of me oppa I have missed them for years now I am tired of this longing you know." Her eyes became teary." We have survived this suffering with all our courage and as now when I have seen them all together again, listened their voices again. I can't wait anymore oppa." She cried

I sighed and went towards her and hugged her tightly." You have been strong till now Little star let's wait for sometime more." I kissed her forehead and she snuggled more into me. Byeol resembles noona alot that sometimes I really wonder that she had left Byeol as her part to help me through all this hard times without her.

"Byeol aa just keep in mind that now they are different persons and they don't remember anything about their past life. So be careful around them. Don't go around sprouting everything right at the moment you see them sister." I said she pouted and stood straight looking at me

" But I want to call them papas. " She said my eyes went wide at that

"Come on Byeol just think about a grown up middle aged woman calling 7 men who are younger than her papas??? How weird would it sound. Please refrain yourself from this horrible incident. I don't want them to ran away straight after entering." I said loudly

" Oppa one more time talk about my age and see I will break that beautiful tongue of yours right here." She angrily growled

"Woah woah come down little sis." I backed away from the angry little tiger infront of me.

Women are different creatures..............

Time skip..........


3rd POV

In the evening came the final time when BTS arrived the place.

Jungkook was extremely excited than the rest to enter the apartment as he knew someone who he had met a few days ago would be there in the same apartment, all he needs to know is her flat number and may be he can see her again.

Yoongi was asusual seemed less enthusiastic compared to others. Afterall he had to give up on his sleep to drive here in the early morning.

Namjoon was organising and checking everything including his members and luggage and schedules and room numbers. Indeed a leader he was.

Hobi was happily jumping around along with Jungkook who seemed extremely happy about their new home which was so strange as Jungkook always didn't like changing places much.

Jimin and Tae were busy looking around and checking the surroundings and discussing few things among them.

Well Jin was helping Namjoon along with bags and all as he saw remaining of them busy in their own stupidity... He thought of helping the confused leader.

"So where is he? Our producer." Jin

"Uhmm don't know he is not answering his phone." Namjoon

"Wow I am hella tired where the hell are we even now?" Yoongi

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