(CH28) A test of skill (4/9)

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Chloe/Haachama: Gah!

Both Chloe and Haachama fainted after Laplus threw 2 pillows at them

Laplus: Hmph! Take that! I almost got pulled in! Good thing I reacted fast enough... That speed was terrifying...

Laplus said while anxiously wiping a sweat off her forehead with her sleeves

Laplus went ahead and carried one each to their own bed and put them on it

Laplus: Phew... Heavy... Heyy, these gurls are seriously smiling?! What kind of dream are they having I wonder... But it should be about time for me to sleep, right crowie?

Her crow pecked her hair

Laplus: Ow! What do you mean "stop calling me crowie and give me an actual name"?! It's a good name... But let's go to bed... I'm exhausted...

Crowie nested on her hair as Laplus went to her own bed and slept

Laplus: Goodnight crowie...

Crowie pecked her again

Laplus: Ow!


It was now morning!

How do I know? You ask?

I don't actually know... Myself...

(Just pretend you know you idiot!!!)

Ah yes! I know, it is morning. Trust me!

Ahem! As I was saying, it was now morning. Y/n slowly wakes up from his good sleep.

Every eyebag he had left that didn't disappear at the time he slept at the bus was now gone, not that it mattered anyway because of the sunglasses

Y/n stretched and yawned and got up

He noticed the 2 girls were sleeping apart from 1, who was missing

Y/n: If I recall correctly... These two are Laplus and Chloe, so Haachama should be awake at this time. What time is it anyway?

Y/n looked at the clock above the door and it read "8:11 am"

Y/n: That is surprisingly late... But I'll do my normal schedule, it won't change even if I'm somewhere else

Y/n: ... Right? Me?

Y/n cleared his throat as he accidentally walked into a wall that was supposed to be the bathroom door to his old house and room in the building, it just coincidentally looked and felt the same so he never had any problem

Until now

Y/n blushed a bit

Y/n: Well that was embarrassing... Hope noone saw that.

This time, Y/n actually looked to where he was going and went to the bathroom to shower, and the rest of his morning routine.

30 minutes later, he was done

Y/n: The only problem now is... Breakfast, there's literally no stove, fridge, or cooking related stuff over here. Which sucks for me.

Y/n: Since this *is* a resort, there should be a kitchen, so I should probably be able to cook something there, and maybe look for Haachama since she will miss breakfast.

Y/n got out his room, closed the door carefully, and left.

He walked out and immediately got hit by the cold wind of winter (it's still February here)

Y/n got chilled but continued anyway

... Even though he was wearing nothing more than a T-shirt, trousers, sunglasses, and a mask

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