Smg4 Fanfiction: Crystal solid love - (1/5) Meeting

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Plot: In this final 5 part story for the Crystal Splezter story, we see a new character as new friendship blossoms.

(September 3rd - 2033)

Eve: Alright Matthew, see ya later!

The girl waved goodbye to her friend as she grabbed her textbook and ran off down the hall to her next lesson.

The girls name was Eve, named mostly after her birthday. Among all the students in Omnia academy, The 17 year old mostly stood out for her lime Green eyes and long blonde hair.

She was also known as one of the most popular kids in school, excelling at almost every class. She'd be a master at PE as well if their teacher wasn't so crazy with her coaching methods.

On this day however on her way to class, she was stopped as she heard the distant sound of whimpering.

Eve: Huh?

She followed the sound down the hall opposite her, then she found the source hiding behind a library shelf.

A little girl, no older then 4. Her Brown eyes drenched in tears and her orange hair an absolute mess.

Eve: Hey...are you okay?

She noticed her, shying away.

Eve: Woah, it's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you...

???: Go away!

Eve: Shh, It's okay. I'm Eve, what's your name?

Molly: M...Molly...

Eve: Okay Molly. Are you here with anyone, maybe we can find them?

Molly: I...I have 4 big sister goes as a student here.

Eve: Well, why don't I help ya find them?

She offered a hand, the girl shying away.

Eve: It's okay, I won't hurt you. Just trust me, okay?

Although quite hesitant, She took Eve's hand and came out from the darkness. Eve smiled and walked slowly with her to the security office.

When she got to the office however, the sight she was met with was not one she was expecting.

Yelling at the security desk was a girl who was probably only a year younger then her, with blue and orange long hair and a similar coloured Hoodie, 2 different blue and brown coloured eyes and a sister who looked about the same age as Molly with short blue hair and eyes.

???: How many times do I have to remind you!? She's 4 years old, she's-Agh! For the love of god, shes the daughter of your PE teacher!

Security officer: Uh, Mrs Crystal?

Crystal: What!?

Security officer: I think the answer to your problem just walked in the door.

Confused, she turned around and looked in shock and relief as Eve blushed, feeling all eyes in the room on her.

Molly: Sis!

Crystal: Molly!

Crystal ran over and picked up Molly in a hug, the little blue haired girl joining in and hugging them both.

Crystal: I was so worried, you can't just wander off like that! Momma told me to watch you two today, You know what Mom would've done if she knew I lost you?!

Molly: I'm sorry...

Crystal: It's okay, I'm not mad. Just...really stressed.

Crystal put her down as Molly went to converse with the smaller girl. Eve smiled, then Crystal suddenly hugged her.

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