A Learning Experience

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We lay on the bed, their bodies melting into each other as we chatted the rest of day away. My phone continued to buzz as Nadine checked in like clockwork, not that I needed the helicopter friend anymore. Gareth was a comforting and gentle mass of man, though his youth was mildly disappointing. If he had a decade or more on him, I would contemplate dating him in a more serious manner.

This internal admission left me reeling as Gareth delighted me with a comical story of his most recent trip to Vegas. Feigning interest, I could not pull my mind from the idea that perhaps the need to rebound was coming to an end, that I needed to entertain the notion of dating seriously. I had begun to ponder if my children were ready to see their mother with another man when Gareth asked a question.

"I'm sorry. My brain was elsewhere for a moment. What did you ask?"

"Are you cold? You have goose pimples all over." He touched
my taut nipples as evidence. I snuggled in closer to the warmth radiating off his hard body.

"Yeah. I should get dressed," I admitted with a touch of sadness. Although spending a leisurely afternoon in bed with a young hottie was not a bad way to pass the time, I could not postpone leaving this contented moment any longer.

Gareth popped another quick kiss on my forehead and jumped off the bed.

"Stay here. I'll get your clothes for you."

A thoughtful smile curved my mouth as I once again marveled at his eagerness. He bent over at the foot of the bed, the alabaster globes of his defined ass catching the late afternoon light, and I sighed in appreciation. Gareth stood up with my jeans and panties in his hand, a cocky, wide smile spread across his face. He knew what he was doing when he bent over and kept the play going as he sauntered out of the room to retrieve my blouse and bra from the living room.
I enjoyed the view of his tight rear end again as it disappeared into the hall.

I reached for the jeans and was pulling on my panties when he returned, my clothes bundled in his outstretched hand. He watched as I tugged my jeans on and helped my arms into my shirt after I adjusted the bra. Taking a moment to strike another pose, Gareth then pulled sweats and a jersey off the chair in the corner and dressed quickly.

Once we both redressed, Gareth reached for I and held me snugly in his arms, his head resting in the curve of my neck. I placed my hand against the base of his head, letting my fingertips play with the fringe of hairs. He had seemed so eager, so wanting, and again I wished he were older. As it was, this would be the only time I would hook up with him. I could too easily fall for his earnestness and strawberry blonde handsomeness, and that was something I could not allow for myself.

Sticking the slight twinge of disappointment to the side, I placed my palms on either side of his face to lift his head and kiss him deep, my lips playing with his. He returned the kiss with his mouth and tongue, and I allowed this sensation to sear into my mind. I did not want to forget my time with this young man. I pulled my face away from his.

"Walk me to my car?" I asked.

"Can we have another round?"

A slight smile appeared on my face. Poor kid.

"What, now?"

Gareth's eye lit with blue fire. "Yes?" his response was a question. I patted his cheek with a loving tap.

"Not today. Text me though?"
I let the suggestion roll off my tongue, knowing I would text him politely, but this would be the only time we had together.

"Oh, you can count on that," he told me as we reached the door and stepped outside into the cool spring air.

The chill of the air settled a layer of moisture on my car, and that dampness seeped through my shirt as Gareth pushed me up against the metal to kiss me again.

He grasped the door handle and opened my car door. I slid into the seat and buckled in, then turned my face up to Gareth.

"Thank you for a wonderful afternoon, sweetheart."

And I meant it. I closed the door, started the car, and shifted into reverse. His pale form stood bright in the light of the setting sun as I pulled out of the drive. He lifted a hand to wave goodbye, and I returned the gesture.

Before I drove off, I texted Nadine to let her know I was on my way home. As
I finished my text, I realized why he said "Yeah, baby" so much. He was a busy boy; remembering
my name in the throes of sex might be difficult. Calling his sexual partner "baby" surely eliminated that concern.  I smiled, certain he would find another woman to warm his bed soon.

"Hopefully someone close to his age," I said aloud to myself as I pulled onto the main drive toward home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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