nightmare// Seungin

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Little: Jeongin
Caregiver: Seungmin
Plot: Jeongin gets a nightmare and he needs comfort so Seungmin is going to help him.
Trigger: ptsd, mention of abuse.
Age period: 1- 4
Genre: fluff

"No ones gonna love you Innie. No one but me." She smiled at me in a wicked way. She walked towards me and I moved back.

"No! M-my members love me! They do!" I wanted to scream all that but I couldn't. She wouldn't let me.

She walked closer and closer until she formed into the monster I saw everyday when i was with her, and enveloped me in darkness.

Jeongin shot up in cold sweat. He panted, trying to breath as his chest heaved up and down.

He looked towards the boy who was laying at his bed, sleeping peacefully. He stared at the boy, thinking why couldn't it be him who can sleep at night instead of dreaming about...her.

He shook his head and brought his knees up to his chest and shoved his head between his knees.

He took a shuddering breath and tried to hold back the sobs that were trying to force their way out.

He heard some shifting from the other side of the room and he knew that Seungmin might just be moving his place but he held his breath. Not wanting to get caught.

"I.n-ah?" He called in a tired voice. Jeongin forced the breath he was holding out and subtly tried to wipe his tears away and look at the boy looking at him.

Keyword: tried

Seungmin saw the way Jeongin wiped his tears away. Although he was half asleep, the worry he felt when he saw that tugged at his heart.

"Yes, Seungmin hyung?" He asked in a broken voice which he tried to conceal but failed horribly.

"Are-are you okay?" He wanted to help the boy younger than him as much as he could. And that meant waking up in the middle of the night.

That was the question Jeongin was afraid of. The question that would break his heart. The question that would make him crumble and cry. The question that will make him slip.

"Dada!" He cried out as he threw his blanket away and put out his hands for his caregiver.

Seungmin threw his own blanket away and walked quickly towards the little. He sat down on his bed and brought his head to his chest.

"Shh, it's okay bubs. It's okay." He whispered sweet nothings in his ear as he rubbed his back in circles.

The little sobbed his little heart out, the sobs being muffled by his face being shoved into his caregivers shirt.

He sobbed and sobbed, making Seungmins shirt wet. But he couldn't care less.

After about 20 minutes the littles sobs had shifted from loud sobs to sniffles and little hiccups.

Seungmin waited a bit to see if he would cry again but he didn't so he decided to say something.

"What was your scary dream about, huh bubs?" Jeongin whined a bit and snuggled up closer to his chest as Seungmin tried to shush him.

"Will you tell dada about it? Please bubs. Dada will chase it all away." He said in a way to comfort the little. He had an idea that the latter was too little to answer but he still tried.

Jeongin just shook his head and brought his rhumb to his mouth. Seungmin didn't push him further and grabbed his wrist softly and moved his hand away from his mouth.

He grabbed the paci of the little from the drawer beside his bed and brought it to his lips. The younger opened his mouth and as soon as the pacifier was in his mouth he sighed contentedly.

He melted into his caregivers hold and his eyes were slowly drooping down. Seungmin layed down on the youngers bed and shifted the latters position so they both were comfortable and brought the blanket to cover both of them.

Seungmin petted the boy on top of him and tried to get him to sleep. He heard some mumbling from the said boy that he couldn't understand.

"Hmm? Will you say that again bubs?" He asked and the younger said it again.

"Luv.... dada." He mumbled put loud enough for his caregiver. He cooed at the little and hugged him close.

"Dada loves you too." He kissed the crown of his head and fell asleep. Both of them with content smiles on their faces.

Tadaaa! New story! I decided that i should not plan anything and just do one-shots since im stupid so here it isss. Hope you enjoy! Also im sorry if its short i didn't know what to do.

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