The Afterlife..?

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And I was suddenly not in my room, but in a white room.

I gasped, and turned to see a huge white door.

It was even more gigantic and beautiful than the one in my room.

There was no door handle, so I knocked on it.

There was no answer.

I started to walk around the room, trying to see if there was something that would let me out.

I found a stairwell.

I couldn't stop myself, I went up the stairs, suddenly feeling like I had no idea how I had gotten here.

When I finally got to the top, I was standing in front of another door, but it was so tall, so massive.

I was terrified.

I didn't know what was behind that door, but I was certainly no match for it.

"Good morning, little one," a voice said from the other side.

I spun around.

The door opened and I saw her.

A monster.

A nightmare.

A hunter.

He was waiting for me, his hand outstretched.

"Let her go, Ana," the girl who was supposed to be my sister said.

"Do not touch her."

I didn't understand.

How was this girl here?

How was she standing with Ben on the other side?

Why was she here?

Why was she protecting Ben?

I didn't understand.

I struggled to get free, but he grabbed me, holding me tight.

"Let her go!"

the girl screamed.

"I need her!"

Ben said to her.

"She's the only one I can see."

"Let her go!"

the girl screamed again.


Let her go!"

I started to scream, as he grabbed me tighter.


the girl screamed again.

She was trying to fight the monster, trying to fight me.

But there was nothing I could do.

There was no escaping.

The girl was also holding something.

A gun.

Ben dropped me.

I fell to the ground and scrambled away, not wanting her to shoot me.


He's here!

He's here!"

"It's too late.

Get her!"

the girl screamed at Ben.

And then he was running after me, the monster behind him, closing in.


she yelled at me.

"How did you get out of the cell?

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