Part 5

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The night ..or day.. dragged on far too long. Rian's hand fell limp after a while, sleeping soundly. Across the hall, Kathie was also sleeping soundly. Herobrine was too. The only one not sleeping...was you.

'He killed so many people. He will continue to kill so many more. He will kill ME and all my old friends if I don't do anything about it!!' You thought, delirious and panicky as you stared at the man in the same cell as you. At last, you stood. These internal whisperings of dread filled your head as you stepped slowly closer, picking up the pillow he had given you. 'Even if I am trapped in here for ever and die of hunger, it will be better than to know I could have stopped so many more lives from ending! My friends might starve like me too, though...' You paused, stoping in your tracks. Your eyes wandered around to the space... 'Guess I will have to just apologize to them in the afterlife..'  Your eyes swelled with tears at the thought, but still you continued forward. 'It is for the greater good. It is for the greater good!'

You slowly placed the pillow over Herobrine's face, then, carefully applied more and more pressure until your entire weight was holding him down. Tears began to drip onto the other side of the pillow as you waited for him to die. You hoped he would die peacefully in his sleep. Even if he was a monster now, at some point he was your friend!

A hand struck out, feeling for where you may be. The man beneath began convulsing, already very low on oxygen. You swayed to avoid his arms reaching out for you, but eventually, as he understood his predicament better, grabbed both of your wrists and yanked them away from each other! You fell on top of the man as he gained control of your wrists. He quickly shook his head, knocking the pillow off of his face, and panted hardly once free. Having fallen on his chest, you could feel his heartbeat racing faster than you would have imagined! In the corner of your eye you saw Kathie, who likely woke by the commotion. Her mouth gaped open in shock, not believing what you almost managed!

After he had regained his breath, Hero threw you off of him! You fell against the wall and toppled onto the cold stone floor like a ragdoll. Herobrine attempted to stand immediately, but he swayed this way and that, having to stick out both of his arms to balance himself. Then he stumbled forwards.


A red handprint burnt your cheek. He slapped you across the face and shouted something, face still red from almost being suffocated to death just seconds ago!

Your eyes were already wet with tears, but now they were outright spilling from fear. You backed away into the corner nearest Rian..but his hand wasn't there. You assumed you were making pathetic crying noises; sure felt like your vocal cords were straining themselves a lot. It wasn't enough that you were panicking now; you were also overcome with grief that you had just put both your own and everyone else's lives on the line in here!!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Your mouth tried to form words, but it probably was near impossible to understand at this point. Herobrine shouted a couple more times, but seemed to calm down after your attempted apology. He seemed more angry at himself now for trusting you. Herobrine left your pathetic crying self for the time being to come up with a good solution. His mouth still was open as he breathed heavily through it. He just started pacing around. The bags under his eyes told you he was still too tired to just stay awake. He studied your face for a moment, seeing you were in an even worse state than he. The man dragged his hand down his tired face, and finally teleported away. He returned with a wad of cloth one would typically tie around an injury, unrolling it before you. You backed into the corner, which only made it easier for him to corner you.

The man knelt down and grabbed one of your wrists. You tried to pull it away, but he was clearly stronger. Your other hand balled into a fist and started hitting him wherever it could land as he wrapped the cloth around your trapped wrist a couple times. The man huffed in annoyance when he had to flinch away from your hand, eventually able to grab it too and wrap that one as well. You uselessly fought back as he tied your wrists together. You growled when he was finally finished, about ready to bite your way out of the bondage. Herobrine was on his way to just lay down again, but you wouldn't let him. You were too angry and tired to set your mind on anything else but try to hurt him! You hit Hero with both of your fists together, which, admittedly, did absolutely nothing.. but at least you felt somewhat accomplished.

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