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I was rudely awoken from my sleep by blaring sirens and flashing lights. I sat up with a panicked look, throwing myself out of bed and quickly grabbing the closet clothes to my closet clothes.

I was tugging my black jeans up my legs and throwing on a black crop top and my leather jacket. I didn't have time to throw my hair into anything suitable for whatever was happening. Running out into the hallway, I was immediately knocked over.

"Hey. Watch the fuck out!" I yelled out, trying to stand back up without being knocked over again. I grabbed the first person roughly before pushing them against the wall behind me.

"Well, good morning to you too," Kai groaned as he tried to free himself from my grip. I loosened my grip slightly before re-shoving him up against the wall.

"Damn, Princess, I knew you wanted me but out here," Kai smirked, trying to get a reaction out of me. I pulled my forearm up to the right side of his head and went in to kiss him. Kai leaned forward, going with what I was doing before I kneed him in the place where the sun doesn't shine, having him fall onto his knees.

Leaning down to his ear, I whispered, "only in your dreams." He stood up, groaning. "what's going on?" I asked, dodging the hoard of people moving around the hallways. Kai shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. " Your guess is as good as mine, but it can't hurt to follow" I nodded in his direction before walking towards where ever we were going.

It was hard to gather where we were all walking, the hallways all looked the same, but the whispers around me gave me a little bit of what was happening. The government had decided some sort. Maybe they were sending a group of us up to explore and see what was so foreign to the rest of us. Maybe not. Turning the last corner, I could barely see over the mountain of the head; it didn't look like Kai had a much better view than I did. Glancing around quickly, I found a clearing by the front of the crowd; without thinking, I grabbed Kai's hand, dragging him with me.

"Where the fuck are we going? Also, Princess, you could've asked," Kai teased as I continued to pull him through the crowd. I sighed, drawing on his hand hard, almost making his trip. Eventually, I broke through everyone and came face to face with the platform where the government was standing.

"We welcome you all here this morning; due to recent events, we have come to a joint decision", The governor's voice boomed throughout the meeting area—recent events, what recent events. I turned to look at Kai; he was wearing the same confused facial expression everyone else was wearing. More importantly, what were they not telling us?

" We are entering lockdown every night. Everyone will report to their rooms at 2100 and won't be allowed to leave until the following morning at 0800. These rules are in place for your safety." My safety was an ass. It's not like they train fighters for their entertainment. I sighed and lowered my head. Getting out was going to be more complicated now, but I tried not to let it faze me. I felt a hand on my chin, gently lifting my head. Looking up, I stared into Kai's eyes, the blue almost instantly comforting.

"Elizabeth, everything is going to be okay?" He didn't say this for me; he said it for himself as if his being calm would affect me. I pulled myself out of his grip. " I'll see you in the training rooms", I stated as I walked off, getting lost in the crowd.

Entering the training room was rarely my favourite thing, but today it felt good. I threw my jacket onto the soft matt floors. Heading over to the boxing bags, I just started punching. Trying to release the confusion and anger of what my life had come to. My hands began to ache, brushing it off. I kept going, getting angrier with each punch I threw. Before I knew it, I was pulled away and into a warm embrace. Immediately, I turned around, trying to push the person away from me.

"Hey, Hey. It's all right." They whispered, attempting to calm me down. I gave up fighting with them and just collapsed. I was letting my feelings take over. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. Before I knew it, I was out cold.                                                                                                                    

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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