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When shairo graduated and left them question. Laine goku vegeta and Shania is looking for shario they went in the house of shairo, shairo parents tells that they looking too almost 3months laine can't tell where he is cause shairo are mysterious and goku vegeta has no idea too. But Shania knew that shario exploring his power but she can't tell where it is and only feel his heart so Shania smile to them that she say shairo is okay and laine wonder how she know and remember that there's a princess and a god child heart are part that in written in the history of their family that the two princess was one of them will part of the son of god, but they didn't knew who's in them are the prophecy of the son of god will become his wife. So laine face Shania that because she thinks she hide shairo but Shania ignore her because laine was act like she isn't a princess. And the two guys goku and vegeta try them to stop and they ask why they arguing so Shania tell that shairo are in a good place that he only trained for the fight they must face in near and laine are more enlighten and she apologize to Shania, vegeta knew it so vegeta tells to goku that they must report this to their higher couplet, and goku left to say. So laine vegeta and Shania will comfort shairo parents and shairo parents tell the true story that when shairo is in her mother tummy the god visit them to give a gift a power of ability and intellect and the key so Shania question shairo parents that where is the key father replied there was an monitoring of the two family with shairo parents that feel there were a team of bad guy too searching to this land that they're house searched and the key found. Shania ask “who's family found the key?” shario father tell that the scientist then Shania rushing to left the house and laine can't understood it but she knew about the key and vegeta asking laine what it is laine replied that the key will open a shield and more people even a normal one can have a power. So vegeta tells laine that they need to leave immediately to prevent it to tell in their higher family so laine asking to leave immediately to shario parents tell them that shario is in a good place.
Shania pov
“I can't tell where shairo is, but I feel him near there's something wrong or missing”
Shania while walking she see a pink letter envelope that look like origami heart that has a poetry the wrote was
“Even we apart we are bound to be a part
The skies and earth are the same thing
Like jealousy distance in other hands
To seek avoid your truly lover is
In reality we dance to perform well
As we unite our hearts truly speak!
As lover you believe and I believed too
The faith in human is like a missing piece
A piece that has no peace but please
Realizing it’s you and me that praying in a heart to be a part
Walking around the earth to sang our love and faith
That’s my spirit I want you to know.”

Shania cries and she embrace it with a smile while in distance shairo is in the top of the tree hiding and cry too but he can't show because he don't want to involve Shania to the fight that will come in near in the temple. So after the poetry has a message that Shairo think Shania to be safe
“So my dearest part of me I know you feel me I know for now we can't see each other somehow this letter make you happy for now I will explore what my mission to the temple that someday I will find you cause the heart never lies.”
That see clearly they both inlove.
And laine goku report to the higher
Laine said to the higher that the key was found but in the bad hands then mr.aid contact the scientist mrs. Ein then mrs.ein not available so mr.aid contact mr.rian to knew about the key then mr.rian full force to the north but the team zero was in the south just to be safe cause in the south were all have powers will vanish the power and mrs.ein have an experiment that even in normal they are strong but no power and they were waiting the two family to come. While waiting they hostage the family of shairo and the land lord.
In the north
The army of couplet and the army of montague argue that one of them are hiding the zero and the crazy scientist mrs. Ein so they were argue
The spoker of mr.aid say “I know montague is greed for the land and I know you team up with them”
The defender of montague “oh your thoughts are wrong if we have the scientist we don't need them to rule cause we have confidence that we can business at peace but we are thinking that you have a secret agenda that you need a people so the family of yours using the zero to mark the normal people, I am wrong?”
The spoker “its not cause these land are made for war so do you prefer to fight?”
The defender “you got guts let me think if we will fight the weaker than normal people”
The spoker “weaker than normal people? Well me and my teammates are long enough waiting to make a child cry”
Then the war was start the fist fight strong enough to leaks the aura of their, suddenly in the middle of fight shairo appear with the god ki that all family looking at him and scared. Laine was there and goku and vegeta to that explains everything they said that mrs.ein have the key and not knowing where are they. So the couplet and montague understood that they need to defend the temple but they knew who walks in the temple was an enemy.
So they hostage shairo to know if it's true.
The conversation for plan on how will defend the temple while fighting the zero
Mr.aid “mr.rian I will search in south do you have best men to back up us?”
Mr.rian “yes, we have I will give you 50 men to back up you”
Mr.aid “thank you, I will give you the best protection too to you, but how will fought the guardians? Cause guardians is the best warrior of all history it was 50 men that fought thousand of our men”
Mr.rin “we have shairo, we need to protect him because he has a gifted of our god”
Then mr.aid ask if shairo gave his blood to scientist shairo ignore then asking why then the two family have a little chance.
They went to the south were people have no powers to evacuate them.
And suddenly Shania appear she said that the zero was in the land of south they using the shield of it.
So the higher family think possible to how they evacuate them.

The Blind By Adrian AbadWhere stories live. Discover now