To my best friend And better bro

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Oi! What's up! So I thought I'd start this off with a dedication to my great friend Red or as I refer to him as @blacksteelgajeel.

See here's the thing I realized that Summer was getting closer and he is thinking about joining the Army, well it kinda hurts to see him go and having to worry for him but I just have to keep in mind that he will come back.

He helped me out of the pit I dug myself into about a few months ago and I just couldn't thank him for that. He does so much for everyone makes people happy and is great over all.

His motto is. "We don't leave friends behind no matter what the circumstances." I now myself live by that rule and I have him to thank for it. Sorry i got kinda off topic but it's a dedication after all.

If he does decided to join the military I hope he remembers his friends family and bros. with that I leave Red with this song we both enjoy.

"Leaves from the vine.... Falling so slow.... Like fragile tiny shells.... drifting in the foam.... Little soldier boy.... Come marching home.... Brave solider boy.... Comes marching home...."

Red if you choose to go come back home soon you hear?

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