Chooptar one 😁

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I've been a shittypasta for 9 years now 🥰🥰🥰 and today is the day. IM GONNA TELL MY CRUSH JEFFY WEFFY THAT I LIKE HIM WOW 😝😝

It was breakfast time so I got up and got dressed. This is what I decided to wear today:

 This is what I decided to wear today:

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(I don't care bout your gender you're wearing a skirt ok)

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(I don't care bout your gender you're wearing a skirt ok)

(I don't care bout your gender you're wearing a skirt ok)

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Soo cute right 🥰🥰

Once i got dressed i ran down the stairs and tripped only to land on my fucking face ☹️ ouchie wowchie. BUT IT GETS WORSE, I looked up and 😨😰😰 jeffy saw me fall on my face 😭😭😭 SOO EMBARRASSING AUFHWAAAAA WAAAAA WAAAAAA. I THEN RAN BACK INTO MY ROOM, TOO EMBARRASSED TO GET BREAKFAST ☹️☹️ OFC I HAD TO FALL INFRONT OF THE H-H-HAWTEST GUY I KNOW 😖😖😖

Hot angsty Jeff the killer x reader 😼😼😼🥰🥰🥰Where stories live. Discover now