So many lies

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Steve's POV
I walked into y/ns room I seen her and Wanda watching a movie " Peggy passed" I say as tears were in my eyes y/n got up "I'm sorry Steve" she says and gives me a hug and so does Wanda "Do you know when the furnal is?" Y/n asks "Yeah on Tuesday" I said "Does everyone know" Wanda says "no you to do right now I'm going to tell them." I say and walk out

Wanda's POV
I felt bad for steve I mean Peggy was his partner for a while and now she's gone and I bet that's hard for him
Me and y/n go back in her sheets and watched the movie


Y/ns POV
I put on a black tux and curled my hair for Peggy's furnal and I walked out of my room and went to go get mat and Wanda I knocked on Wanda's door I seen her step out with some black leggings and a black shirt on I smiled and kissed her "you look pretty"and we walked to Natasha's room I seen her wearing a black outfit "You look nice Nat." I say and we walk down stairs and I see Steve Sam and others. We all got into a car and Steve drove us to a sport and we flew to England for the furnal 

We arrived at the church we sat in booths as Steve carried the casket with Peggy's body in it up to the front by the tabernacle. A few people said some words then Sharon Carter spoke Steve and Sam looked at her and so did I it was respectful to as well "Margaret Carter Was known to most as a founder of S.H.E.I.L.D but I knew her as Aunt Peggy she had a photograph in her office aunt Peggy standing next to JFK as a kid it was cool but it was a lot to live up to which is why I never told anyone we were related. I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage in a time when kk one wanted to see a woman succeed either she said 'compromise where you can but where you can't don't even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right even if the hole world is telling you to move it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree look them in the eye and say no you move'" Sharon said and a few more people talked Steve talked and some more family members did. Me and Wanda left and I gave Sharon a hug "Sorry for your loss" I say and she thanks me and I talk to some more people and we wait outside for Steve "It must be hard" I say "Yeah I mean Peggy was the only girl Steve liked and the first girl he liked" Sam said I laughed and I took Wanda's hand in mine "so have any of you sighed the paper yet?" I ask "No" wand says "Hell no y/n" Sam says and I laugh again "I think dad did along with Rhodes and vision" I say "Nat says Clint is 'retired' " Sam says "Yeah she told me that as well" Wanda says  I herd a door shut and  I seen Steve walk out of the building with Natasha I smiled at them "Bye Nat see you soon" I say and hug her as she leaves on her get and we go on ours and go home

We walk into the building I walked to my room I put on a sports bra and some tight leggings I run to Wanda's room and I know I on it she wanders "Hey want to go to the gym and work out?" I ask "No thank you y/n not now but I'll be down in 10 minutes ok let me finish this show" Wanda says and smiles at me "Ok!" I say and she kisss me and I go to the gym and work out

I punch the punching bag a lot with my gloves on after that I go on the tread meal and I run on it as my cold water is by meI stop my running as Wanda walks in wearing a red sports bra with a black tang top and leggings S "So where is Steve and Sam?" I ask my girlfriend "at a hotel" she says as the TV turns to a different station I seen a building on fire I just realized that's where Nat is I stoped everything
And my phone rang "Hey did you see the news" it was Sam "Yeah I did I'm going to call Natasha soon" I say and he hangs up I try to call Nat no awnser I tried again "Hi" Nats voice spoke "Hey are you ok Nat" I asked "Yeah just stay home and be safe" she says "Ok bye Natahsa" I say and she hangs up " let's take a break" says Friday and they shut the television off "Thanks Friday" I say "Want waffles?" Wanda asks "yes please" I say and laugh as me and Wanda walk to the kitchen with nothing of our hands in each other's "Hello vision" I say as I see the robot on the couch watching the news "Hello sister" he says and I smiled at him and me and Wanda make Walden's tougher "Hey vision?" Wanda says as the waffles are being buttered "Yes Miss. Maximoff?" He says "Call me Wanda vision but when is Captain America and Sam coming back?" She asked I was questioning that as well "I do not know but I am pretty sure they are fine they are with Sharon Peggy's neice" he says as I give Wanda her waffles "Thanks vis" I say and we go eat our waffles in my room while watching 'Riverdale' "Oh my gosh Toni and Cheryl are ment for each other" I say while taking a bit of my food "Yes but what about Jughead and Betty the live each other" she says "Just how much I love you" I say and I smiled and kiss her and we play with my bunny

_time skip_

Y/ns POV
Me and Wanda went down to vision and we seen him cooking "vis?" I ask "is that peprikash?" Wanda asks "I thought it might left more spirits up" he says and we smile at him Wanda wakes over and tastes it and so do I "More spirits lifted" she says "In my defense I haven't ever had anything to eat before" vision says "It ok vision it ok" I say and I smile at him "May we?" Wanda asks "Yes please do" vis says Wanda adds Peper and more seasoning in the food "Sister and Wanda" vision says "Yes" I say as Wanda hums "No one dislikes you guys" he says "Thanks...?" Me and Wanda says "Oh your welcome no but it's an involuntary response in their amygdala they can't help But be afraid of you two" he says "Are you" Wanda asks "My amygdala I'd synithetic do" he says and me and Wanda laugh "You know I used to think of my self one way cause all of the kids would run or be afraid of me 'ew look the Sapphire  witch everyone run!' They would say but now I have learned to embrace it vis and I hope Wanda had to" I say while picking up some things with my powers "Yeah cause after this I am something else" she says and I smile at her "I'm still me I think but that's not what everyone else thinks right?" She says and I nodd "You know I don't know what this is!" He says while pointing to his stone "not really? I know it's not of this world that it powered by Lokis staff gave you your abilities's true nature is always a mystery and yet it is apart of me" Vision says "Are you afraid of it Vision?" Wanda asks him "I wish to understand it the more I do the less it controls me one day who knows I may even control it ." Vision says and Wanda sighs "I don't know what this is but it's not paprika. We are gonna go to the store Well be back in 30 minutes" Wanda says while holding my hand and walking away "Alternatively we could order pizza?" He says "Vision.. why are you not letting me or Wanda leave?" I ask my robotic brother "It is a question of safety sister" he says "We can protect ourselves" I say and try to walk but vision puts his hand infront of me to stop me "Not yours Mr stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident." Vis says "That son of a bitch" I whisper "So dad is locking me and my girlfriend inside till we can leave?" I ask "Until accords are on for a more secure foundation." Vis says "And what do you want." Wanda asks him " for people to see you two who you really are as I do see you both" he says and smiles at me but I don't return it with one "Good night Vision." I say and I let go of my girlfriends hand and walk to my room in anger

I hear steps behind me but I don't look and I storm into the room "Y/n" I hear Wanda's voice I didn't say anything "It's ok your father just wants us safe" she says "He always does even if I have to be locked for 10 years in a coffin" I say while Wanda sat on my bed and hugged me and we fell asleep while cuddling

Hey im sorry for not posting lately but I hope you like these chapter and I'm curtly trying to work on the second one but BY BUNNIES

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