My only one hope.

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The riddler pov:
I blushed as I turned on my playlist, sitting right next to the only man I'd ever need. It may seem weird to others but I think we're a perfect match. I've never felt more safe when I'm with him, which is a little weird given to how he looks, but I don't mind it. He's perfect to me, and he always will be <3

I shifted uncomfortably, trying to show him that I wanted his attention. It worked, and soon enough his eyes were on me. I love how much he cares.

"Are you alright, love?" He asked me, worry all over his creepy looking expression. I smiled at his words. I've never loved anyone more. "Yes, I'm fine I just- You are barely paying attention to me at all! I can't help but get a little upset."

He sighed, nodding in understanding. He moved us, our position, so that now my bald egg head was on his lap. He started to caress by baldy looking scalp. It was soothing, so were his soon followed words.

"I'm sorry I made you upset darling. I'll put my game down for now and give you all my attention." He reassured me, gazing down into my eyes. I smiled, "thank you baby." 

For who he is, it might seem a little shocking that he's this kind to me. Laughing Jack, my baefy, was this nice and calm. Only for me. I take pride in that fact. I take pride in the fact he's mine and mine alone. 

He leaned down and kissed my forehead, making my smile even brighter. "I love you so much baby, let me take you out on a date tomorrow night, please." Jack asked me, slightly begging. I laughed as I let out my response. "Of course, my handsome little weird thingy thing.....I'd love for you to take me out." 

He smiled brightly, leaning down and kissing me passionately, full of love. I smiled to myself knowing I've won his heart. He is my hope. My reason to keep living every day. My reason to take care of myself. My happiness. When I see him, everything bad disappears and nobody else has ever loved me like this.

He is my only hope.

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