My one true Hero

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Ronald McDonald x Batman

Ronald pov: 
I shaked in fear as I stared at the man pointing a gun at me from the other side of the counter. He had a sinister smile as he watched the tears flow right from my eyes, he was laughing at me. I was helpless. 

"Put all the 10 pieces in the fucking bag!!" He yelled at me, the same sadistic look never leaving his eyes once. I scrambled quickly over to the McNuggets. "Hurry up clown! I don't know who you think you're fucking with!" He yelled more. I quickly got all the nuggets and quickly ran back with all the chickens in my arms. 

I dumped them all in the bag, slowly looking back up at him. I gulped, nervous to everything happening.

"Uh clown, the hell are you tryna pull? Where the fuck is the sauce?!" He screamed. Nobody around was helping, I really thought this was the end for me. I quickly went under the counter and grabbed every single box of sauce we had, again dumping them into the bag. 

"That's more like it. Soon everyone in Gotham will respect me." He said, clearly proud he pulled off a heist at the local McDonalds. 

"Not so fast." A dark, sexy and mysterious being said, revealing himself from the other side of the restaurant. He walked up behind the man, grabbing him tightly. "What do you think you're doing here? A prick like you should be in jail." 

The man spat on the mysterious hero's boots, "fuck you gonna do bat freak?!" He yelled. That's when he was thrown across the room, into the wall. The man instantly fell unconscious, due to hitting his head of the wall.

The hero stepped up, handcuffing the man, taking the nuggets back, and handing him into the proper authority. He surely will be locked up a long time for this. Messing with everyone's favorite clown.

"My apologies that I wasn't here sooner. Here are your things back," the man said, handing me the bag of goodies that was just stolen from me. "O-oh thank you! By the way....I'm Ronald, Ronald McDonald." I introduced myself, nervously holding my hand out for him to shake.

"I'm batman." He spoke in an elegant tone, making me wonder more and more about him. Instead of shaking my hand, he hastily grabbed my waist, pulling me close. "You're so beautiful, please let me take you out on a date." He begged.

I looked at his lips before looking back up at his eyes. I gave him a smirk, leaning in and closing the gap between us. He smiled into the kiss, before pulling away. He had the dorkiest grin ever.

"Does that answer the question, batsy?" I asked him, smiling like a bitch at him. "Hmm I don't know, could you answer it again?" He said.

And with that, we started dating from then, got married and had 10 babies. We're currently so happy with our lives. I could not be more grateful for a robbery to happen in my life.

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